Page 27 of Little White Lie

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“Sir.” He starts.

“No, Dean. We need not hear any excuses. We know all about the rouse that you and our daughter conjured, and we do not approve.” My dad says.

“Sir, I believe that Kaley is an adult and can make her own decisions.”

“While that may be, everything she does is paid for by me.”

“Not anymore.” He says.

“Dean!” I hiss. He squeezes my hand.

“Kaley doesn’t need your money. She’s being taken care of.” Dean says firmly.

“Son, I know that you aren’t allowed to work with your football and all. There’s no way that you can manage to pay for all our daughter's expenses and your own. You need not pay for our daughter's sins, she needs to do that on her own.”

“Kaley hasn’t sinned.” Dean says.

“She didn’t abide by our house rules and set out a life here against our word. She is also living with a man who, she lied about the significance of and who is not her husband. Furthermore, she’s had relations outside of wedlock. Shall I go on?”

“Sir. I care about your daughter a great deal. She’s my partner and my best friend.” He looks at me and smiles. “What Kaley is doing is living. While I know some households differ from others, I think that she should be justified to figure out how her own household should run as an adult.”

“Dean, you need not defend our daughter. We know you two are not an actual couple.”

“I told you daddy, we are!” I say gritting my teeth.

“Honey. I think it would be wise to just listen to your father.” My mom says laying her hand atop my dad’s arm as he shakes it off.

“You can think of our relationship however you want, but we are a couple. I think that it would be smart to end your trip here tonight. I do not appreciate the way you are speaking to Kaley in our home.” Dean says.

“Kaley doesn’t pay the bills here. We do.” Dad says with ice in his tone.

“So do I. And since it’s my name and Kaley’s name on the lease, you are trespassing and we would like it if you guys would leave, otherwise we will call the police.” Dean stands.

My sister looks frightened and stands.

She looks over to our parents, waiting for them to stand.

“You’re making a grave mistake son.” My dad points to me as a warning to Dean, with my mother clutching to his other arm.

“Sir, in all respect. You’re the one making that grave mistake. You have a beautiful daughter who is smart as hell. She loves fiercely and would do anything to make you guys the slightest bit proud of her. Treating her like she’s nothing isn’t doing you guys any favors.” Dean growls.

“Maddie, get your belongings. You have five minutes.” Dad yells at her.

Maddie runs into the bedroom as my parents stare Dean and I down.

“You can stop pretending that you are with our daughter. We know you both have been lying to us this entire time.” My dad says.

“While Kaley and I haven’t been a couple for as long as we lead you to believe, we’ve been in one another's lives for just as long. Like I said, she’s my best friend and partner. She’s the one who I come running home to every day and I wouldn’t have it any other way. While to you, it may seem like our relationship is a lie. Our relationship is the most real thing in my life and I can tell you with the upmost sincerity that I love your daughter, and I will keep loving her as long as she lets me.”

Maddie returns from the room with her rollaway luggage in her tow.

She’s out of breath as she looks between the two parties.

“Ready daddy.” She says looking at her feet.

“You’re cut off.” Dad spits at brushing past us. “Since you are such an adult, we’re done. We wipe ours hands and that’s it. We don’t need to further speak to you. You don’t want to live the way that we ask you to, then continue to live in sin, but without the support from your family. And remember Kaley, you only get one family.”

My mother is close on his tail, looking frazzled and unprepared for the whole situation as she slowly walks past us. Her eyes lock on mine and I see sadness and pain in them. But she’s unwilling to speak up against my father regardless of how she feels. I don’t offer her a smile, I hold my head up high, and I show indifference.

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