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Chapter Thirty-Two

I walk outof Quinn’s office feeling eyes watching me. My gut reaction would be to defend myself, even though no one is saying anything that I can actually hear. There are so many whispers and I know that it’s because of me, because of the relationship between Quinn and myself.

But I hold my head high with confidence and walk straight to where Olivia is standing with Shane beside her. They both have their arms crossed over their chests with a disappointed look on their faces.

“I can’t believe that you kept the fact that you were dating the hot new guy from me. You let me go on and on about how I wished he was gay and about the hot sex that we would have. And all this time, you’re the lucky lady to be having all the hot sex with him.” Shane says pouting like a toddler.

“Shhh. Keep your voice down. My sex life doesn’t need to be so… vocal.”

“But oh my God! You are doing the nasty with Mr. Mont—” Shane covers his mouth and looks around.

“So, does he ring your bell?” Olivia smirks.

I say nothing, but lightly smile and they both gasps.

“You dirty girl!” Shane pokes my arm.

“I’m so embarrassed that I walked into his office and demanded answers like that. But it also felt super empowering.” Olivia admits. “Do you think he found that inappropriate?”

“Most likely, but I’m sure that he will let it slide, because it came from a good place.” I tell her.

“You wanna tell Shane what else you said in there?” Olivia asks.

I pull out my phone from my back pocket and send a text to Quinn.

“Wait, what, there’s more?” Shane asks.

Me: I have some friendship cleaning up to do because of our secret. I’m going to take a break and get coffee. I hope you don’t mind.

Q: The coffee here is shit. ;) Get me one too and take your time.

Me: Thank you.

Q: :)

I look up to my friends. “Let’s grab some coffee, I’ve got something to tell you. “

We sit down at the coffee shop, I’m on one side of the table and my friends on the other side. They are eager for answers and practically jumping out of their skin.

“Any day now lady,” Shane says playfully.

“I’ll tell you guys anything. Whatever you ask, I will answer honestly. No more secrets.” I tell him.

“Start from the beginning, don’t leave anything out.” Olivia sits forward and says first.

“Well, we actually met before he was officially announced to us as our new boss.”

“Feel free to add in sex scenes here and there, feed my soul a little bit.” Shane quips sitting back in the chair.

“So, I wasn’t lying when I said that I met someone on the train home, that part is true. I just changed his name from Quinn to John.”

“Quinn?” Shane asks in confusion.

“Mr. Montgomery,” I reply, to which he ah ha’s and nods his head.

“Well, you know how I was all nervous about my presentation, that one that was supposed to land me in a promotion? Well, I was supposed to give that when Mr. Williams announced there was going to be a personnel change. Well, yeah, I left work and got drunk. Then I rode the train home, and that’s where we met. We didn’t exchange numbers, but I basically unloaded my entire day off on him and he had to practically carry me home. Then, the next day, he was our new boss.”

“Oh wow, so you guys met on the train like in Risky Business?” Olivia asks.

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