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Chapter Twelve

There isone thing in life that makes me particularly happy and that is a salad bar. Another thing is when I have a coupon for a free salad bar with purchase of an entree.

Quinn wasn’t so sure about my selection of food when I told him where I wanted to go for dinner tonight. However, after I handed our waitress the coupon, he understood and was fully on board. He watched from our table as I loaded two plates with two separate salads and didn’t say a word while I switched off between the two.

While he ate a steak with a baked potato, I got stuffed after my third plate of greens.

I sit back in the booth, rub my belly and close my eyes with a lazy smile.

“How does one stuff themselves so easily with salad?” he asks.

“Have you ever had a salad that basically knocked your socks off?” I ask opening my eyes and rolling my head to look at him.

“Not that I can say.” He shakes his head.

“I have, and from then on, my life was changed. For my twenty-first birthday, Steph took me to Souplantation for dinner and then out for drinks, then I insisted on more salad instead of more booze, and we left the party to go buy salad at the store and then back home to chow down.”

Quinn smiles.

“Then there was that one time when I had a birthday party potluck and my request for everyone to bring a salad.” I smile, remembering that night, “that was a pretty incredible birthday.”

“Noted, give you an abundance of salad and you will be happy.” He pretends to take a mental note.

“So, what’s happening this weekend? You’re not working the entire time, right?” I ask since the last few weekends, he has.

“No. I was thinking we could spend Friday night together. I have a thing though early on Sunday, so might not be able to do a sleepover on Saturday.”

“Yeah? What kind of thing do you have going on Sunday?”

“Oh, it’s just a family get together. You would be bored senseless.”

“Oh, a family thing.” I perk up. Will I get to meet his family? Is that still a thing that people do?

“Yeah, I would, um, much rather you meet my family another time though. I’m sorry if that seems dickish of me.”

It isn’t the greatest thing to hear, that my partner doesn’t want me going to some event with him. We have been together and exclusive for a few months. Maybe it’s just too soon for him. Oh my God, what if we’re not in the same place relationship-wise? What if I’m more into him than he is me?

I blink a few times, to clear my thoughts.

“You okay? Are you mad at me?” He asks.

I blink away tears that I wasn’t aware was there and then focus on him.

“No, I’m fine. It’s probably too soon to meet the parents anyways,” I say looking away.

“Sid, please look at me. It’s not that I don’t want you to come with me, I just haven’t really seen my parents much and I should probably tell them that I’m dating someone. They weren’t too thrilled that my last relationship ended, so I would rather not spring it on them.”

“Okay,” I reply.

“I’ll tell them this weekend, and then maybe we’ll do the official meeting when it’s just the four of us,” he explains as I look at him for any tells that he’s not being truthful, since this whole conversation he’s acting strange.

“What sort of family event is this?” I ask.

“It’s, well it’s a birthday party.” He says.

Okay, so that is understandable, why would I go to a birthday party for someone that I don’t know?

“Well, at least I’ll get you a little this weekend,” I smile finally, trying to push my thoughts aside.

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