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At the end of the night, after the dancing was done and the bar closed up along with the new bride and groom gone, the guys and I sit around a table. Our jackets are off, our ties are undone, and we’re completely drunk. We’re playing a game of poker, poorly and I’m pretty sure that Cooper has pissed his pants as he’s passed out in the chair beside me with the smell wafting in the air.

“I can’t freaking believe that Marcus got hitched today, I mean who saw that coming?” Jason slurs taping on the table after throwing down a card.

“Well, they have been together for about a million years,” I tell them.

“That’s a good point, I mean what is the point of being with someone in a relationship, if you’re not testing them out for marriage.” Jason replies. “That’s why I stay single.”

“Right.” I nod.

“Regardless, if you can’t stay single, you can’t mingle. If you know what I mean.” Devin places two cards down and pulls more from the pile.

“I think your kind of mingling might mean something different from ours, brother.” Jason swings his head as Devin rolls his eyes.

“I mean, how long do you need to be with someone though, to know if you’re willing to be tied down to them forever?” Grayson asks lighting up a cigar.

“Dude, my parents got married after two weeks of knowing one another, and like forty years later, they’re still bat shit crazy for one another.” Jason says nonchalantly. “It’s kind of gross.”

“I think it depends on the circumstances,” I say.

“And what are those circumstances?” Jason’s head perks up. “Prey-tell, oh wise-one?”

“Luck. Chemistry. Attraction, hell I don’t know. But I do know, that when I find it, I’ll be a goner just like Marcus.”

“You? Mr. No time for a relationship? I would pay good money to see that.” Devin laughs.

“Yeah, me too.” I laugh.

Chapter Three

“This one time in Vegas, my sister and I drank a few at the piano bar, then ran around the hotel playing doorbell ditch.”


I’m browsing the calendar website and looking for next years’ calendar. It’s only the fall, and I’ve got plenty of time until I will actually use it, but I feel the need to buy something and this is something that makes me happy.

Hmmm, do I want funny, inspirations, cutesy with animals, half naked men or scenic?

I tap my chin and look at all my options.

I click on a few categories and scroll down the pages of the humor calendars, then I click on the landscapes.

Nothing is exciting me, which is odd, because calendar shopping is one of my favorite things to do. Every year, I have at least ten calendars in my cart and have to force myself to narrow it down to at least two. One for my office and one for home. Sometimes, when I’m feeling extra fun, I get myself a small desk calendar too full of quirky quotes.

I’m not instantly drawn to one calendar over the other. This is frustrating.

I open another tab, then go to my favorite planner company. Maybe a planner over a calendar will spark my joy. I’m strangely not in a calendar mood.

What am I looking for? Do I want vertical or horizontal days?

Why is this such a difficult task? This is not something that has ever been an issue. Why is it now?

I love to pre-plan my planners and calendars.

I decide to give up my search for the time being and stand up from my desk that’s cluttered with paperwork, folders, and to-do lists. My normally organized office is far from it, maybe I need to get some more coffee.

As I walk past cubicles and co-workers, I notice that a few of them quiet when I get near or they stare openly at me, then quickly look away when our eyes meet.

It’s weird.

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