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“How are you?” he asks sitting back in his chair.

“I’m good, I’m good. I have something that I wanted to run by you, do you have a moment?” I step further into his office.

“Of course. I always have time.” He motions to the chair across from him, “what’s on your mind today?”

“Well, I was doing some thinking about the Seattle office, and I was thinking that maybe it would be a good move, for me.”

“Do you think that you can elaborate here?” he asks.

“I was thinking that maybe I can take a lead role in the new office?”

A large smile forms on his face and then he claps startling me.

“At last! I have been waiting for you to make it your idea.”

“Excuse me?” I ask.

“I’ve told you before, you’ve turned this office around and have made our client base even more provocative to new customers as well as being the sole reason that our offices would expand.”

“So, the looking at property and asking my opinion was a plan to get me out of here?” I ask in shock.

“The office is yours, you can be managing director if you choose to make the move. We would of course pay for lodging for three months and I would of course have Marjorie in Human Resources come and assist with the hiring process for staffing. I, of course would be in and out of town as well, I wouldn’t leave you completely alone.”

“Okay, wow. Um, I really wasn’t expecting this to be the actual plan. When would you like to have the open date on the new office?” I ask.

“I’m looking for a three month turn around; would that be enough time?” He asks.

My mind is reeling. Is it enough time? Can I do this? Am I jumping into this too soon?

“I think so,” I stutter with self-doubt creeping in.

“You’re looking a little nauseous, are you okay?”

“I didn’t come in here thinking that this would actually happen. I had hoped so, because it sounds like a great opportunity, but I wasn’t thinking that it was something you were already planning.”

“Do you need to take more time to think about it?” He asks with concern.

Now that’s it’s all been said out loud, the offer and the expectation—everything just became a little more, no a lot more real and I’m freaking out. The potential plan of moving to Seattle is now extremely real, and not just talk, which makes all my emotions rush forward.

“I think I’m going to throw up.” I cover my mouth, stand and rush to the wastebasket just to the side of where I’m sitting. With one hand on the wall steadying me, I put my other hand on my forehead and take some deep breaths.

I’m getting dizzy at the thought of everything happening so fast.

“Peyton are you okay?” Mr. Frederick stands up and rounds his desk. He places his hand on my shoulder and looks at me.

“I’m good, I’m good. I should though probably think about it a little more. First it was an idea, now it’s an offer and oh boy, I wasn’t really expecting this to become real when it was said out loud.” I ramble.

“I want you to work from home today, think about it. It’s a huge decision, one that moves you from one city to another. I want you to do your pros and cons list, to really figure out whether or not this is something that you want and can do.” He says, “I have no doubt that you can handle this, but I want you to be one hundred percent sure.”

I nod and with a pat on the back, I leave his office and gather my things. I’m still freaking out. While I was completely sure that this was something that I could do, now I’m second guessing myself.

Now, I’m panicking.

Moving to Seattle would mean that I leave everything that I know. I haven’t lived anywhere outside of California before and while, yes, I would have Max—my friends are here.

I don’t remember driving back to Echo Park and walking in the front door. Quinn looks confused as I walk in the door and wouldn’t leave me alone until I asked her to call Hanna and tell her to come over.

Quinn looks terrified but did as I asked. She sat by my side in silence and as soon as there was a knock on our door, she jumps up quickly and a moment later, I have my two best friends on both my sides with worried looks.

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