Page 19 of In the End

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I should have paid more attention.



“What is it that you aren’t telling us?” One woman shrieks.

“We can’t leave, we’re stuck inside here with no real answers, how is this legal?” another asks.

“Ma’am, the National Guard is here not by the Federal Government, but by the state. We are taking measures to keep you as safe as possible.”

“How is it safe, if we are not at home with our families? We could be in the comforts of our homes with our loved ones, instead of in here with complete strangers.”

“I understand that you are frustrated. I understand that this is abnormal, but we are doing everything in our power to make sure that everything is okay.” I say with a level voice.

“What’s happening outside these doors?” A portly gentleman asks.

“The numbers of the virus have increased exponentially. The hospitals are packed, and the government is immobilizing pop up hospitals and to be truthfully honest, it’s just not safe.”

“How do we get the virus?” someone from the back yells.

“It’s not for certain, but I know that it can last in the air for a brief period of time. It also can live on some surfaces as well. That is a reason why we are all here together. If someone gets the virus, we can quarantine them from the public. We can handle this with extreme caution and care and will assure that you all are safe.” I tell them.

“I called my husband and he said that the state is on a lockdown, is that true?”

“Yes, the state went on lockdown this morning,” I reply.

“So, then why can we not go home and be on lockdown there?”

I’m terrified to tell the crowd the truth. The truth should be coming from the Colonel and not myself, but I feel that these people need to have some answers.

I look around me and hold up my finger as I pull my walkie-talkie to my mouth.

“Colonel Roberts, we have people here that need to have their questions answered. We can’t keep them in the dark any longer. They have a right to know what is happening.” I say quietly.

I hold for his response.

“Location, James?”

“Mess hall sir, I’ll hold on and wait for your approach.” I reply.

There’s no additional response, but a moment later he’s at my side.

“Ladies and gentlemen, may I please have your attention? I understand that you have questions?” He asks reflecting authority in his ramrod straightened stance.

The crowd of folks in the area has increased, and it would appear that everyone who has been quarantined in this space, is now here.

“We want answers, why are we stuck here and not stuck at home?” An older woman, clutching the hand to a young boy asks.

I look over to where I last saw Kendall and she’s watching the crowd with Janelle at her side. She knows what’s happening, I’ve shared with her the reasoning for us being here, but now is the time to hear it from my boss—which could make it all that more real.

The crowd goes from hushed voices to complete silence in seconds. He stands at the crowd’s height, not towering over anyone and I think that is the smartest thing he’s done since we’ve been in this predicament.

“I want to be able to answer your questions as much as possible. Please know that while we look like we have all the information, we are still getting directions from outside this location as well as from the state and Federal Government. I don’t want anyone to have moments of panic and I want to assure you that we have this under control.”

“What is really happening?” a brave little girl, around the age of ten asks. Her hand secured in her grandfather’s grasp. He tries to shush her, but I see the determination in her eyes as she stares down my boss.

“Well, little lady–”

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