Page 48 of Clutch Endgame

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“ALRIGHT GUYS. Let’s do this thing.” I say turning around to my expectant teammates.

We file out of the locker room, and to the parking lot.

“Gun, you can ride with me.” Masters says as he hooks his thumb over his shoulder towards his Jeep.

A row of shots and several beers later, I’m stumbling into my dark condo. A low light is on in the hallway and I do my best to navigate through my home to get to the bedroom in my drunken stupor. After playing bumper cars with the wall, I finally make it to the bedroom. I spy Sawyer is laying on top of the covers, in a t-shirt and panties fast asleep. Her long slender thigh has a glint of light from the nearby lights out or floor to ceiling bedroom window, her dark brown hair is fanned out against her pillow with her backside to me.

It takes everything in my drunken power to not lean down and bite her ass, as I remove my clothes and drop them on the floor beside our bed. Sawyer doesn’t stir from any of my movements, nor when I ungracefully fall into bed beside her. She makes a faint sound but remains peacefully asleep. I kiss her shoulder and form my body around hers. Seconds after my head hitting the pillow, sleep consumes me.



THERE ARE a few simple pleasures in life that I take a guilty stake on. The first being cinnamon buns and the second is when Gunnar is hungover. They both have to do with one another, so maybe that’s why I enjoy them.

Gunnar doesn’t party too often and since he sleeps like the dead after a night of drinking, he sleeps in and will eat said cinnamon buns every time as his way of coping with the hangover. Normally, he’s eating a healthy and on balanced diet, but when he’s hungover, he will gorge out on all the good stuff.

So, when he texted me last night that he was going to go out with the guys after the game, I went to the closest grocery store and stocked up on all the hangover necessities. Granted, we’re going to be moving soon - and since Mr. Lyons and I spoke earlier this week, we decided that my official last day was yesterday, but I would still go into the office at the end of the week for a pre-planned going away party. So, I enjoyed sleeping in with Gunnar, even though I woke up before him.

The timer goes off on the stove as Gunnar shuffles out into the living room scratching his head and moaning at the same time. I grab a glass, add some water in it and hold it out to him.

He looks over to me and smiles while he takes the glass.

I pull out the cinnamon buns, place them on top of the stove, and then grab the icing.

“I see you’re taking advantage.” He says standing beside me. “Taking advantage of a man who feels like shit and forcing him to eat this delicious goodness, the nectar from the gods of cinnamon.”

“A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.” I shrug.

He kisses my cheek and then gets himself more water.

“You know, your ass looked magnificent last night, if I remember correctly.”

“And my ass doesn’t today?” I tease him looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

“Your ass is perfect. But last night, I almost took a bite.”

“A bite?” I mock surprise.

“It would have been a good bite too.” He nods his head and smiles as he takes a finger and runs it across one of the buns. I swat his hand away and point to the couch.

“Go sit. Get your dirty fingers out of the icing or you don’t get any.” I threaten him with the spatula.

“You wouldn’t dare,” he holds up his hands and fights off laughter.

“Don’t make me eat all these cinnamon buns in front of you. I know you want some.”

“You wouldn’t.” He laughs shaking his head and then holding his temples.

“You want to watch me? Never under estimate me when it comes to cinnamon buns… never Gunnar.” I shake a finger in his direction, trying to keep a straight face and not blow my cover with laughter.

“Cruel, cruel woman.” He says and does as I asks.

“Don’t for one minute think that I’m joking. I will eat each and every cinnamon bun and then lick the plate.”

“Such big words woman.”

I ended up sharing my cinnamon buns with Gunnar, he ate half and I ate half of them. We settled into snuggling on the couch watching the episode of The Walking Dead that we missed last week, when Gunnar’s head shot up.

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