Page 27 of Clutch Endgame

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The real thing sure was a lot better than doing it over the phone, I will agree with him on that one.



BEING AWAY from Sawyer for two whole weeks, made me insane. Only talking to her through video chat was killing me and I knew that I would have to bring up the topic of a potential trade in person. While the discussion was an important one, it wasn’t one to have in the presence of Bently.

So, the topic would have to wait - but I didn’t want to wait long, especially since Sawyer has likely learned of the topic since she has a direct line to all chatter in the field.

Bently was popping another guacamole-coated chip into his mouth and talking around his chewing.

“So, you know me Chainsaw, I’m fucking private. While, I know that you’re like a reporter kind of, I trust the hell out of you and want to run something by you,” he starts.

“This is scaring me. That was one hell of a start. Are you going share something important with the group?” I joke.

“Fuck you Reynolds.” Bently laughs shooting me daggers with his eyes.

“Ignore him, I do,” she smiles as she leans toward him.

We are seated at the huge table in the dining area, Bently is sitting across from Sawyer and she and I are on the other side of the table. My hand is resting on her bare thigh and trailing light patterns up and down, causing goose bumps to dot along her skin.

“There’s this lady that I’m somewhat feeling. But I’m not sure if I can tell if she’s a chaser or someone that’s genuine.”

Sawyer looks to me and I return the confused look.

“You’re asking me for relationship advice?” She asks pointing to her chest.

“You’ve managed to put up with dip shit here, and you know the scene and the life that we all live, so yeah - I mean - I haven’t had a relationship in years and I would be a shit judge of character.”

“I’ve known him for coming up six years and he’s never had a lady. In fact, I’ve always referred to him as the monk,” I say to the room.

“Okay, so - wow how would I even approach this?” She says under her breath. “Who is the woman?”

“Her name is Sicily, just like the city in Italy,” he returns.

“Interesting name, and how do you know her?” Sawyer asks leaning in towards him.

“She’s someone that travels here to spring training every year, focuses heavily on me and she comes to all our home games too. That’s what confuses me about her; die-hard fans come to spring training. But then when she and I have had opportunities to chat in length, she was … different.”

“She lives in San Diego?” I ask and Bently nods.

“She holds season tickets that used to belong to her pop.” Bently states.

“How did you guys get to talking, if she’s more on the fan side rather than the business side of the game?” Sawyer asks.

“We ran into one another one night last week, we were both dining alone, so we combined tables.” Bently shrugs. “I recognized her, approached her even.”

“So you’ve only talked with her once?” Sawyer asks.

I observe the back and forth and smile, watching my two favorite people talk, listening to Bently ask for dating advice - from my woman.

“No, well kind of. I’ve seen her in San Diego at the field. We just never really spoken until the other night. I liked her, and I just don’t know if she’s one of those fans or the real deal - you know - like you are.” He compliments. “Like how you knew that Chainsaw was legit?” Bently directs to me.

“She didn’t know who I was. She also put herself first; she just started her job and didn’t want my shit to sour her reputation there, even after we started something. I like that she knows who she is and while I may not like it, she can do amazing without me. But she won’t ever get that chance, because she’s stuck with me like gum is stuck to the bottom of a shoe.” I reply with Sawyer’s fingers interlaced with mine.

“See, he’s annoying as shit sometimes, and you still put up with him.” Bently laughs.

“He makes up for it in other areas.” she shrugs with a hint of a smile as she squeezes my hand.

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