Page 90 of No More Heartache

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“We’re going to be parents Tate, in hours.” He whispers.

I stand directly in front of him and look down, my hands on his shoulders.

“Are you going to be okay babe?” I ask.

“I may be in shock. So, if I look out of it, just tell me what to do.” He admits.

“I can do that. I’m going to make sure that I have everything I need in my hospital bag. Can you get our phone chargers and my eReader charger?”

We arrive at the hospital 20 minutes later, after we’re lead back to our private delivery room, Max starts looking anxious again.

“How you doing?” I ask him.

“I’m fine. You? Stupid question, you’re going to have a baby… holy shit.”

“The doctor said I was only 5 centimeters dilated, there might still be some time. I know it’s the middle of the night, but why don’t you call everyone. Let them know we’re here, and we’ll call or text with updates.”

Max nods and pulls out his phone.

I suddenly feel a cramp and I remember my breathing. Max is on the phone with his mom and pales when he sees me clutching onto the hospital bed. He rushes to my side, but I shake my head and continue breathing.

“Yeah, We just got here. No, stay home. I’ll let you know if we need you guys. Can you call Davis…? Okay, thanks dad…. Yeah I will…. Okay, you too…. Thanks…. Alright, okay… bye.” He hangs up and then starts to scroll through his phone again. He locates the contact and presses the screen as he puts the phone to his ear. He looks at me and gives me his lopsided smile that melts my panties.

“Hey. Yeah, Tate is going into labor. No, stay home… we’re at the hospital…. no, stay home…. Hello? Hello?” He drops his phone and looks at me.

“So um, I think Dane and Sterling are coming here.” He says sheepishly.

I laugh, because I knew that would happen, I hoped that it would. He needs them here to keep him calm. I can only do so much.

“Can you hand me my phone?” I ask after the last cramp goes away. He places the phone in my palm and I shoot off a text to my parents and Sammie. I don’t want to wake them, and plus my parents wouldn’t wake up from a phone.

Max is on a web browser on his phone. “Whatcha doing?” I ask.

“I’m buying us a new bed. You know, one that doesn’t have baby juice all over it.” He smiles.

* * *

10 Hours later,Max and I are proud parents of a beautiful baby girl. She just came out and the doctor is handing Max the scissors to cut the cord. He has tears in his eyes, and he’s shaking from the excitement that he uses both hands to do the task. The nurse instructs me to lower my gown for skin to skin contact, Max helps me as the baby is placed on my chest.

I look into her eyes, and she is the most precious thing ever created. Tears are falling from my eyes as Max leans over the bed and coo’s at the baby.

“Hi Betsy.” I whisper to her just loud enough so I know Max can hear me say it.

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