Page 82 of No More Heartache

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We hada conversation regarding Tatum’s insecurities of our relationship last night and since then; I haven’t gotten it out of my head. It’s tortured me all morning, and I honestly hope that I can further prove to her that I’m in this for the long haul, how much I’ve changed, and how much she means to me.

I want her to be completely secure in our relationship and I don’t want her to be afraid to come to me with those types of things. I can understand as I think back to our conversation where those thoughts came from, but when I told her my thoughts on it, I couldn’t have been more serious. The fact that I didn’t run to the bar when she told me I was going to be a father, or when I first started falling in love with her was my first indication of change. It also made me feel like I wasn’t a good alcoholic since I didn’t feel that urge, but I pushed that feeling away quickly. I made a mental note to bring that up to Leo or my sponsor later this afternoon when we meet for lunch.

My office intercom goes off and Talia, the front desk receptionist’s voice fills the silence.

“Max, you’ve got a Ms. Mitchell here to speak with you, she doesn’t seem to be on your schedule.”

“Ms. Mitchell doesn’t need to schedule to see me, I’ll come right down. Talia?”


“Is she okay?”

“Yes sir.”

Relief hits me as I practically run out of the office and to the elevator. The minute ride down the elevator seems to be a lifetime, however as the doors open, I see Tatum smiling and talking to Talia. She doesn’t notice the ping of the elevator and I easily sneak up and wrap my arms around her mid-section, making sure I give her belly an extra caress. I kiss her through her hair and I smell her fresh pineapple scent.

Talia’s eyebrows quirk up and then a knowing look appears on her face.

“What do I owe the pleasure?” I ask as she turns in my arms, her baby bump pushing me away a bit.

“I was bored, and was hoping that we could discuss cars, I know nothing about them and you’re a guy.” She smiles.

Talia snickers behind her and I peer over Tatum’s shoulder.

“I like her Max.” Talia smiles.

“So do I,” I reply kissing her nose. I start to steer Tatum to the elevator, however she stops and turns to Talia.

“Thank you Talia. I hope to see you soon.” She waves.

It’s then that I’m assuming that Talia notices the baby bump as her eyes practically bulge out of her face as we go to the elevator doors. I place my hand on her belly and smile to Talia with a nod of my head.

Yeah, I put that there!

My pride swells.

“So, maybe we can research for now, and then we can plan to visit some dealers later. I’ve got a lunch with Leo and Mike, so we’d have to wait until after.” I explain as I lead her out the elevator doors and into the hallway.

We pass Dane’s office, which Tatum waves to him as we pass.

“That’s fine, I don’t want to take up your day. I just thought more about… last night and I think I would feel safer if I got rid of rust bucket and got something completely safe.” She sighs as I lead her to sit in my chair behind the desk. I pull up one of the chairs from the front of my desk and place it beside her.

“No, you should come to lunch with us in fact. Mike’s been wanting to meet you.” I say as she nods hesitantly.

I click on the computer mouse and pull up a few saved web pages of dealerships.

“You have car dealers saved on your computer?” She asks skeptically.

“I was looking at these this morning when I was waiting for an email from one of our clients. Is there are particular car that you want?”

“I want something boxy, not a mini-van but not a sedan or a coupe either.” She smiles.

“Have you done research already?” I tease.

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