Page 38 of No More Heartache

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I leftMax’s house confused. He had no crazy reaction to my news other than his random milkshake desire, which he later explained. I expected more of a panic and definitely not a calm and understanding presence. I had 4 more days until I would see him again, and I was already nervous. We’re not jumping into a relationship, but then again we are but it’s very unconventional. The guy who I thought was just an impulsive roll in the sack, we end up strapped to each other for life.

I pull out my phone and go through my contacts. I pull up Davis’s information and press the call button.

“Is everything okay?” He asks as soon as he answers.

“Everything is fine. Is Max, did Max…?” I don’t even know what I’m wanting to ask.

“He is in the shower, he’s been in there for a while.” Davis explains. “So, are you okay?”

“I’m hungry, but other than that, I’m okay. I got over the hard part, I assume you know what’s going on?” I admit.

“Yeah, Where are you, do you want me to meet you and we can grab a bite?”

“I’m sitting in front of my apartment complex. I’m not sure what I want right now.” This sucks.

“I’m gonna put on my shoes and I’ll be right over. I can bring anything?”

“Pineapples.” I know that much.

“Let’s get something other than pineapples in you, please?”

“Fine. A double cheeseburger, no onions and no mustard. Onion rings and, and a strawberry milkshake.”

Davis laughs. “Max rubbing off on you already?”

“His milkshake looked good, shaddup.”

“I’ll be over in 20 mins. Should I call Sammie?”

“No, she’s team screw Max right now.”


We hang up and I go inside and place my belongings on the kitchen counter. I toe off my shoes and change into my yoga pants. From my bedroom, I can hear my phone text message notification go off. I don’t rush to the phone, and instead remove any makeup that I had on and use the restroom.

I grab my phone and see that Max had texted me.

Max: Before Monday, do you want to meet up for a meal or something?

I laugh. His text almost seems nervous as I think of a reply to send back to him. A meal?

Me: In my condition, I can always eat!

Immediately, I see the thought bubble pop up on the screen for his reply.

Max: Saturday work? Lunchtime? I have plans with Davis tomorrow, some big reveal he wants to give me. But does that work okay for you? Or Sunday? Anytime really, how about right now?

Again, I laugh.

Me: Actually, Davis is coming over right now with food for me. Sorry. But Saturday is fine with me.

The thought bubble appears quickly.

Max: Davis is coming over to your place? That’s why he ran out of here? Don’t listen to anything that he says about me that is bad. We can’t become friends when you already hate me.

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