Page 26 of No More Heartache

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“That guy is gone, Dane, this is who I am now!” He roars standing up.

“It’s not. You know that and we know that.” Dane argues back.

“What does it matter?” Max grabs the glass he placed down and gulps the remainder of the drink, then throws the glass against the wall.

Overcome with emotion, I hug my brother and I hug him hard.

“I need my brother. I. Want. Him. Back.” I whisper to him enunciating each word.

Max tries to push me away, but my grasp isn’t letting up. Max began to tremble and I hugged him harder.

“Alright.” He says sounding defeated. “I’ll do it and fuck you for using the brother card.”

During our embrace, Dane has stood up and took note of the bottles, the numerous large bottles along the bar top.

“Are these yours or the hotels?” Dane asks.

“They’re mine. The mini ones are the hotels.” Max said standing and walking to Dane. Dane hesitates to pour a bottle out and looks to Max. He hands Max the bottle to have him make this decision.

I hold my breath as Max grasps the bottle by the neck. He walks to Dane’s side in front of the sink and tips the bottle upside down. Relieved, I step up to the other side of the bar.

Several silent moments pass the three of us.

“I have a question.” Max starts looking between Dane and myself.

“Did you guys dump the alcohol in the house?” He asks.

“I did, while Dane showered you.” I reply.

Max smiles. “Phew, I had thought that I drank it all, granted I left the house and bought more alcohol, but I thought I drank all of the bottles in that cupboard.”

I smiled at him, it looked like he had a panicked moment of drinking too much.

“Another question.” Max starts as Dane and myself look at him awaiting for him to finish.

“Why was I naked when I woke up that night?”

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