Page 24 of No More Heartache

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“Max, well he’s gone through a lot the past year or so. He likes women. That’s all I’ll say. He’s a great guy don’t get me wrong, but not someone that I would intentionally set up with a friend of mine.” I shrug, I need to text Dane.

“He was a smooth talker and very generous on Friday. He bought several rounds and he did seem to eye fuck Tatum most of the night, even from across the bar.” Sammie recalls.

“That he is.”

We finish our lunch making random small talk. I finish my sandwich and excuse myself with a good 15 minutes before I have recess duty. I place a call to Dane and arrange to meet him after work to head over to the hotel.

Using my browser on my cell phone, I bring up the search term of in-patient rehab clinics. I call a few and finally find one that will take Max in tomorrow morning. It’s a nice spot along the coast and all I can hope now is that he will accept this help. I’m willing to try anything at this point and I think with the recent accident, he’s gone over the deep end, and will hopefully not see my offer as anything other than caring about him.

* * *

Dane is standingagainst the bumper of his car as I pull into the guest parking space next to him.

“Front desk gave me his room number, but we won’t need it. He’s sitting at the outdoor bar by the pool.” Dane said.

“Cool. How do we play this?” I ask nervously.

“Honestly, I have no idea. He may not like that we’re here, especially since he’s made no attempts to contact either of us. It could go a few ways, he will be angry to see us or he can be annoyed to see us. Depending on how drunk he is right now, or he could kick us out. Even at his drunkest though, he’s a reasonable guy, he’ll hopefully listen. ” Dane explains.

“I’ve got him a spot at a rehab facility up the coast for tomorrow morning. I tried for tonight, but I couldn’t arrange that on such short notice. He’ll be pissed at that, but I’m hoping that he sees it differently, and then he’ll be pissed that we found him. I hate this.” I rub my hand over my face in frustration.

“Should we somehow get him up to his room?” Dane asks.

“Fuck if I know. Probably, to save him the embarrassment in case someone overhears.” I reply.

“How did you know he was here anyways?”

“My co-workers met him on Friday night.” I supplied leaving out the details that Max hooked up with one of them. Not my story to tell.

“Let’s do this before we lose the nerve.” Dane clasps my shoulder and we begin walking.

We walk up to the front desk and ask the receptionist to let Max know he has guests at the front desk. Hopefully from there, we can steer him in the direction of his hotel room.

Moments pass and eventually Max stumbles through the double doors with a fruity drink in his hand. He’s dressed in board shorts and a t-shirt, aviator sunglasses and flip flops. His face falls when he sees that it’s us and probably not some girls that he may have met during his stay here.

“Well, not who I was expecting. What the hell are you guys doing here?” He slurs angrily.

“How you been buddy?” Dane takes the lead, thankfully.

“Eh you know, I’ve been better. What brings you to this fine establishment?” He’s acting like he hasn’t been missing for so many days.

“We’ve been looking for you, worried about you.” I clarify.

“Ah yes. I’ve been vacationing, my phone is dead, and I’ve wanted nothing to do with anyone, still don’t. Care for a drink?” He motions to the area behind him.

“No thanks, let’s go up to your room, where it’s more private.” Dane insists motioning to the elevators.

“If you insist, let me grab a drink.” He slurs.

“You’ve already got one buddy.” I say.

“My ice has melted.” He turns and walks to the bar. At the bar, he leaves his current colorful drink atop the bar and flags the bartender. He orders his usual 3 fingers of scotch and we walk to the elevators. We enter his hotel room on one of the upper floors and both Dane and I whistle at appreciation for the quality of his room.

“Nice Suite.” Dane says.

“Yeah, so what do you guys want?” He asks gesturing to the seating area.

“You don’t call, you don’t write…” Dane starts as he takes a seat in one of the chairs. I follow and sit down as well.

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