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I am currently contracted with the government for a hefty price tag to have my programs dedicated solely to them for a period of five years. Coming straight out of the individual contracts into this mega contract with such a strong entity was not something that I was expecting, but I am definitely glad to have mentioned trying it to my marketing guy and so, here I am.

I am no longer struggling for business. I am no longer wondering where my next pay day will come from and I am one hundred percent focused, okay ninety percent focused on maintaining the interface of the programs with the updates as needed as well as creating new software content for fun, for side projects.

I sit at my workstation in the house that I purchased just outside of Mercy, on the piece of land by Nydia’s house once I received my first check. My monitors are going through a scan of one of my fun projects just as hands wrap around from behind me and cover my eyes.

“I’ve got something for you,” she whispers into my ear, then playfully pulls at my ear lobe with her teeth.

“Yeah? What do you have?” I ask.

“Do you know what today is?”

I shake my head.

“Today is the 1-year anniversary of when you and I got back together,” she says unwrapping her hands from me and then coming in front of me to sit on my lap as I push out a little bit from the desk and wrap my arms around her.

“Is that so? Are you sure?” I ask her.

“I am. I added it to my calendar so that way I can remind myself how lucky I am that you decided to come to the diner that day.”

“Oh, do tell me how wonderful it is, that you and I are together?” I tease her kissing the side of her neck.

“It’s pretty wonderful, but you don’t have to be a douche about it.”

“You know what, I did remember today was that day. In fact, I got you a little anniversary present,” I say maneuvering so that I can reach inside my desk drawer.

I hid the box from her eyesight and then I kissed her gently before placing my palm with the ring in the middle in front of her.

She looks down and sucks in a breath.

“Madison, you gave me a chance when it went against your original thoughts, but I did what I could to get you to see that I wasn’t that guy you pinholed me for. We moved into this house together and made it our home, made each other our home. I want to be with you day after day, through all the good and even the bad. I want to grow old and be forgetful with you. Ultimately, I want you to be my forever and I really, really want to be yours. So, what do you say? Will you give this guy a chance and risk your forever with him?”

I hold my breath as she stares at me, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Really?” she finally asks.

“Of course, really. Will you marry me?” I say.

“Well, I mean it doesn’t sound like a bad idea. You’re kinda cute, you’ve got money and well, this house… it’s pretty nice,” she smiles.

“Is that a yes or no?”

“It’s a hell yes, I will marry you!” she leans in and says loudly, wrapping her arms around me, kissing me all over the face.

I still spend a good amount of time at the bar, but it’s mostly to play pool and have the weekly check ins with our friends in town. Nydia and Cooper live on the property beside us, it was an added benefit to getting Madison to move in with me.

“I need to call everyone that I know!” Madison says standing up and looking at the ring that I slipped on her finger.

The front doorbell rings. Madison stops jumping in celebration and then looks at me.

“Who the hell would that be?” she asks.

I smile even wider and stand up.

“What do you know?” she whispers shouts, turns and then walks to the front door.

“Congratulations!” the group on our porch cheers.

Nydia, Cooper, Noah, Valerie, Missy, Luke, Percy, Bev, Deb and Darrel all stand on our porch. Some holding flowers, some holding balloons, a cake, cookies and beer. It’s almost everyone that we know standing on our property ready to celebrate us.

We welcome them into our home and soon everyone is standing around the island in our kitchen, happily talking.

“Sorry, Miles, Rhiannon, and Micah are at the bar. We couldn’t very well close the place, but they send their congrats to you guys,” Noah says.

“I think that we need to first and foremost say congrats to you two. We’ve known you each separately, together and have watched you guys grow as a couple. While we do have to say that we’ve missed our bar regular, we will admit that now when we see you it’s a little more special. Here’s to another happy couple in Mercy and to a life full of happiness together,” Deb says holding up a beer.

“Who knew that my forever would be a bar regular,” Madison laughs with my hold around her was it tightening and pulling her against my chest.

I did.

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