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A few days of radio silence from Madison and I’m crawling out of my skin. We were only dating for a few weeks, but I felt that we grew close and sort of bonded something powerful.

One part of me is pissed off that she can be so closed minded the other part of me understands. She dealt with some horrific shit, losing her dad due to someone drinking, but she also cannot put restrictions on someone as soon as she meets them.

I never showed her any disrespect or show her that I didn’t care. I was open with her about why I hung out at the bar and truth be told, I was hanging out less at the bar than I normally would since she and I began dating.

Before starting something with her, I was there daily, as soon as I finished my work for the day. But since we started dating, I worked a little longer and would spend more time with her.

I’m sittingin my normal stool at the bar, with a bottle of beer in one hand and my phone in the other.

“I bet you could save a lot of brain cells by just putting down your phone and stop thinking about her, man,” Noah says putting a fresh beer in front of me.

“Yeah, probably. But there was something refreshing about being with her,” I explain.

“You mean, refreshing as in you were getting laid on a regular basis?” Noah says with a laugh.

“Possibly, but she is the opposite of what I thought about her,” I say taking a sip of my drink.

“Were you falling in love with her?” he asks.

“I’m not sure. We were in the beginning of our relationship and basically just had our first fight, but it was totally one-sided so I’m not sure if that even qualifies as a fight.”

“I think a fight is a fight. Even if it is one-sided. But it would have been cool for you to be able to fight back. Heard you were shit-faced, but why?”

“I had just finished my third project for a huge client, when I finally got them on the phone, they broke the news to me that they’ve gone bankrupt and wouldn’t be able to pay me for two of the programs that I created for them.”

“Oh shit man, isn’t there some kind of insurance that you can get for shit like that? There’s insurance for everything.”

“They’re going to startup another company and they were planning to use the software that I created for them, for these new ventures. Said that they would pay me then. Suing them would mean nothing, they have no money, I’d just be wasting money of my own.”

“Have you already delivered the products to them?” he asks.

“I delivered the first and the second, but not the third. However, without the third, the other two would be obsolete. I was smart thinking with that one.”

“What does the program do?”

“They’re all under the computer science element. But one cannot work without the other. They paid for the first program, so I can’t really resell all three as a bundle.”

“Can you recreate and rebrand? Is there any non-compete with your contract with them?”

I think about his question and smile immediately.

“Noah, you are a brilliant businessman!” I stand, chug the rest of my beer and walk to the front of the bar with swagger.

It’s beena week since my conversation with Noah at the bar. Day and night, I’ve been inside my cave of an apartment working on the changes to the programs. I’ve gone through the first two programs and rebranded all the elements and changed some of the paths for a functional program that any corporation could use on the mass scale. I call a marketing company to set up a zoom meeting to make packaging plans and about showcasing this product series to prospective clients. Now that I had spent time getting to know Madison and had spent time with her, I’ve started to miss her. I’ve had to stop myself a few times from having a meal at the diner versus my usual spot at the bar.

My next move is the implement a plan to get the girl back.

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