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I stay up until five in the morning before I finished the outline of the new software. I sent off what I had so far to one of the partners of the company and finally fall asleep.

When I wake up to my phone dinging, it is four in the afternoon. My emails indicate that my client is happy and that I can move onto the next phase. They give me a timeline of their release plan and after looking at it, I know that I have enough time to have a good night out without worry here and there. With tonight, being the first.

I head over to Madison’s house a few hours later. I’m standing in front of her front door with flowers behind my back, like some cheesy teenager taking a chick out for the first time. I stand nervously until she opens the door. Her long red hair is in braids, she’s wearing a red, teal and brown flannel, a white top underneath, and short shorts.

“Here,” I hold out the flowers for her and she blushes while taking them. “Are we going square dancing?” I ask.

She tilts her head and smiles, “No, but we are going to a bonfire out in the woods.”

“Out in the woods?” I ask.

“Word is that there’s going to be a band out there throwing a renegade show,” she bounces on the balls of her feet.

“Interesting. Who’s the band?”

“Some guy who used to live here in town and has some major connection to Mercy,” she shrugs.

“Sounds interesting, haven’t been to a bonfire since I was in high school.”

“Want to come in for a little bit? Nydia and Cooper said they would text when they were on their way and that they’d swing by and pick us up.”

“How much time do we have?” I ask wiggling my eyebrows.

“I don’t think we have enough time for that, mister,” she puts her hands on her hips while I walk by, kiss her cheek, and enter her apartment.

“There’s always a little time for something, darlin’,” I reply turning to face her as she closes the door.

I walk up to her and put my fingers through the belt loops of her shorts and pull her closer to me. She drapes her arms around my neck and leans up on her tippy toes.

Our lips touch gently, and I tilt my head opposite hers to deepen the kiss. Her fingers thread into the hair on the back of my head and moans quietly into the kiss. My hand moves from her belt loops up her side and to cup her breast.

I squeeze lightly as my tongue searches her mouth and our tongues dance together just as Madison’s phone dings from the kitchen counter.

She pulls away reluctantly, peppering a few kisses before we completely pull apart and I rearrange myself.

She looks at her phone and then puts it in her small purse on the counter.

“They’re on their way over,” she says.

“To be continued,” I wink.

There are hay bales,lanterns on posts and a small sound stage in the middle of the woods just outside of Mercy.

I don’t even think the parties that the high schoolers throw out here are this nicely put together. The band that is playing has a professional set up and looks legit.

So why are they playing out in the middle of nowhere?

“Hey man, can you help me with this keg?” a guy asks in a deep voice from beside me.

I turn to look at him and he’s a big guy, he’s got some 5’o’clock shadow happening and looks like a tough guy.

“Sure thing,” I reply, “so, why do you think these guys wanna play out here?”

“Ah, that’s because Mr. M doesn’t want his father to know that he’s playing.”

“So, then why not go to the city?” I ask.

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