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“It’s a surprise.” He grabs my hand, winds around the people and out the doors to the street.

Once outside, he looks both ways and crosses the street. We walk in silence for two blocks and come to stand in front of a vacated office space.

I’m even more confused as he releases my hand and produces a key to open the doors. He motions for me to step inside, and once the door closes behind him, I turn to face him.

“What is this? Why are we inside the old dental office? Why do you have keys to the doors, and why are you in Mercy?” I ask, confused.

“I’ve been miserable for the past few weeks without you,” he replies quietly.

“That’s usually what happens after a break up, but that doesn’t answer my questions.” I stick my chin at him waiting for him to answer my questions.

“Before you broke up with me - actually the day of - I was working a deal. A deal that would allow me to rent this space and build up a practice here. You broke up with me, and I knew that in order to get you back I needed a grand gesture because it was clear that you had mixed feelings with our relationship, and the proximity of where we lived. I worked harder, and after a bit of negotiations, I’m now the proud lessee of this space. I want to be with you. I don’t want a 40 minute drive in between us. Call it moving too fast, call it a leap of faith, but I’ve fallen for you, and I’m not letting you go.”

I am speechless.

Luke is looking at me, waiting for me to respond, but I know that if I open my mouth, or hell, even move, I will start crying uncontrollably.

“I had a business meeting at the bar, and some of those people were from the meeting, some of them were reporters, and some were a few colleagues that were present in support. I’m going to open up a family practice here in Mercy, if that’s okay with you?”

I bite my lower lip, blink back the tears, and nod my head.

I leap into his arms just as he opens them up to me and hug him hard.

“If you wanted to move in with me, you should have just asked,” I mumble, sniffling.

His body shakes with laughter. We pull back, and Luke lowers his head. His kiss is soft at first and then turns hungry.

I have missed him.

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