Page 4 of The Brute

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It could be that most of the time I’m fantasizing about bending her over my desk, or it could be that I’m in complete awe of her. I’m not sure, nor do I care. She gets the job done, does it well, and so far hasn’t made me look like a complete idiot in any of my business dealings.

Maggie waltzes into my office with the confidence and swagger of a panther. She never bothers to knock and, while that annoys the shit out of me with others, I cannot bring myself to getting angry at her for doing so. She tosses several folders down onto my desk in front of me. The whoosh of air from the files landing with such force makes me blink. I look down at the files and then back up to her with a quirk of my eyebrow.

“The top file is the employee file on Isabella. Her three-month evaluation is due and, as her boss, you are required to meet with her. Are you satisfied with her performance?”

Her performance would better if she pleased me the way she does in my fantasies.

“Her performance has been stellar,” I respond, my tone practiced and even.

“Good. She seems to get along with the vendors and staff. And most importantly, with you. She seems to be thick-skinned and not inclined to hide in a corner with her tail between her legs,” Maggie praises. “She's outlasted the others.”

I nod. “I’ve noticed that as well.”

“Any specific reason she hasn't come to my office in tears because you're being an untamed animal?”

“The others were incompetent. They were scared puppies with their tails between their legs as you just said. I was no different with them than I am with Bella. She goes toe-to-toe with me.”

“And you don't mind that?”

“Irrelevant. Honestly, her input has been helpful in some instances. Don't worry. I'll get the review done. Anything else, Maggie?”

“No. And good. If you could please have it finished by the end of the week. I would like the file back on my desk by close of business on Friday. Can you do that?”

“Yes ma’am.” Maggie scares me sometimes with her mean expressions and her overall authority that I remember from my childhood. No chance in hell I would ever cross her in a dark alley, but I also would rather not prolong conversations with her. She thinks that just because she's known me since before I could drive, that she knows me still as that person today.

As Maggie leaves my office, Bella enters. She crosses the room and takes a seat in front of my desk with her notepad and pen. She’s poised and ready to take her morning notes, which I prefer to do in person with her rather than through an email like I did before her. Her pen hovers over the paper and her eyes are fixed on me, awaiting my start.

I watch her as she sits patiently with her legs crossed. She's always ready to jot her notes down, always attentive.

“Today, we’re going to discuss you,” I say finally, leaning back in my seat.

“Me?” she asks, pointing her pen at her chest. That chest... mmmm. Yes, I would like to talk about your breasts.

“That’s correct. You. You and me,” I reply, watching her expression carefully.

Her skin flushes. From under her blouse, the blush rises up her neck to her face and the tips of her ears get the brightest. I note by the vein on her slender neck that her pulse has quickened. Her breathing has increased. I notice the change, satisfied that I can create this effect within her with just my proximity and my words.

She clears her throat. “What about you and me?” she asks.

I stand, button my jacket, and round the massive oak desk that separates us to stand directly in front of her in the limited space between the chair where she sits and my desk. I cross one foot over the other and lean back on the desk. Her face is in perfect range to suck me off if she happened to lean forward a foot, but I shake my head to clear those thoughts. I'm her boss, I'm asserting myself as her boss, so I need to keep my cock in check. Although, as I look down at her, she licks her bottom lip, glances in the general direction of my cock, then back up to meet my eyes.

“You and me, Bella. Me and you. What do you think?” I ask gruffly, hinting at my true intentions but without blatantly stating them.

“I’m not exactly sure that I know what you’re asking, sir.” Her voice conveys confidence, but she begins twisting the stud in her left earlobe.

“You have become a passionate and dedicated employee and it’s time for your three-month evaluation. I would like to know how you feel about working here and your position with me.” I ask.

She shifts subtly in her chair. I enjoy watching her squirm, knowing that I have some effect on her. Her eyes dart down to her lap, then she blows out a breath and looks up to meet my eyes again. I’m still picturing her rosy red lips wrapped around my cock when she answers.

“I enjoy working for you. I’ve learned so much about the industry, and I feel like I’ve been doing my job with accuracy and efficiency.”

“I’m a difficult person to work for, although you’ve seemed to be able to handle my moods. Is that a problem for you? My difficulty?”

“I don’t think you’re difficult. I think you are misunderstood.”

“Misunderstood?” I question. “Explain.”

“I think that you can be standoffish. Although, you don’t seem to be around me. But I see how you care about this company, how you love what you do. I also see that you have a general interest in the staff around here, even though you’re an asshole at times and no one else sees it.”

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