Page 38 of The Brute

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We shake hands and go our separate ways.

* * *

A few weeks after the accident, her room had become full of flowers, balloons, and stuffed animals, and I had a pile of paperwork about after care instructions, follow up appointments, and insurance forms. About that same time, Bella was allowed to leave the hospital. Rather than having her go to her home, I made sure she was set up at the penthouse, just in case.

Her chest tube was removed since she vastly improved two days later and she participated in a few days of breathing exercises and routine checks for the remainder of the time she was hospitalized.

Once her parents were assured I would take good care of her, they left. Meeting the parents wasn't bad under the circumstances, but we promised a proper introduction once Bella was better.

We've spoken with the detective over the weeks and he keeps us abreast of what’s going on with Elliot and his attorney. The district attorney’s office is going for everything Elliot has, for attempted murder. based upon the evidence that they had as well as his police statements.

It took Bella three months to fully recover from all her injuries. I refused to allow her to come back to the office, and as a result I was all over the place when I was there. I realized in the time she was on medical leave that I am a totally unorganized person. I'm grateful for her in so many ways that I doubt I could ever properly communicate it to her. While Bella was on leave, I kept to myself. I became a recluse and focused solely on work and making sure Bella was okay. Mrs. Rosemary took care of Bella while I was at work during the day and sometimes late into the night if I had to be at the office.

Mrs. Rosemary and I never spoke about her coming to the hospital the day of Bella’s accident. But she is aware of how appreciative I am that she was there with me. I tried to broach the subject once we were home and she shushed me and went about her business. I feel she is an adoptive parent, and I can't help but be thankful my parents brought her into our lives.

All I want is to put the accident and Elliot Hunter out of my mind, but that didn’t happen until the case was over. Bella had to testify on the stand about what she remembered from the moment she left the office to when she woke in the hospital room.

I won't ever unhear her testimony. It bolstered the fact that the accident was meant for an intended victim. His apartment proved that he watched Bella with her comings and goings. There were timelines and descriptions all over his place. He had several different scenarios planned out. The look on Elliot's face further confirmed my thoughts.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I sit on the stand; my hands are folded in my lap and I wait for the orders of Ben's attorney for me to relay the events of my day of the accident as over time the moments have come back to me, while fragmented – I can remember the majority of the events.

“I left the office with the intent to pick up supplies and a breakfast order for our special teams project that Adams Enterprises and Ryder Tech had teamed up on. I was at a red light in the left lane waiting for my turn to go. Once the light turned green, the car going opposite of me turned into my lane and accelerated across the middle section right into the vehicle I was in,” I recall the events. “Then I woke up in the hospital.”

“How are you sure that the car was coming for you specifically?” the attorney asked.

“The way he swerved into what was my lane. He lined his car up with mine perfectly, there is no question it wasn't an accident.” I reply.

“And did you get a good look at the individual when his vehicle was coming towards yours?”

“It happened so fast, that honestly I did not. I was braking and panicking as I was boxed in by other vehicles on all sides. I was freaking out.” I admitted.

“The individual, you were told who he was. Is he in this room?”

“He is,” I reply.

“Can you please point to him?”

And I do.

Chapter Twenty-Four


The case was cut and dry.

Elliot's attorney tried to defend his client by arguing the vehicle he was driving had a malfunction. However, the district attorneys had an investigation launched on damages to the vehicle and there were no issues with the vehicle aside from the damage the crash caused, thereby refuting the argument.

The ruling was first degree attempted murder with a life sentence with a chance of parole.

With Elliot's one choice to cause harm, he ruined his life. While I should mourn the fact that my one-time close friend could do such a thing, I feel nothing. I feel relief that Bella survived, but I feel nothing about his punishment aside from satisfaction.

When the bailiff hauled a shut-down Elliot out of the courtroom, he didn't fight it. He slowly stood and was lead out of the room in silence. He did, however, stop and finally look me in the eyes. His features portrayed a man lost, and for that I wished things could have been different.

In a different world, my parents would have never passed away. Elliot and I would have started our company, and I would be married to Renae. She would have never felt ignored, never felt the need to run into another man’s arms, so she would not have been in that fatal car accident.

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