Page 27 of The Brute

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“Marvelous. I will meet with our lawyers and we will draft up contracts. Ben, you will need to look them over and approve. I want to thank the both of you for your time this morning and the professionalism that you both have displayed in this situation. I know personal business in the workplace is not ideal, but I think that we accomplished what I was hoping for.” Maggie stands.

“Once you’ve drafted the wording for the addition to the employee handbook, send that over to Bella when you can so she can add it to one of my daily tasks and have it on my desk for my review.” I say as I stand and button my jacket.

Maggie nods and then leaves to go back to her office. Bella and I turn to each other. We each let out a breath. I walk to sit behind my desk as she takes a seat at one of the chairs in front. She has her notepad in her hand and her pen ready.

“I'm glad that went smoothly,” I sigh.

“Me too. I was worried.”

“Some businesses ban employee relationships, some overlook them. But I think the route we are taking lets employees feel like adults, like they can make choices as they see fit. I wouldn't want to be the company that forbids it.” I fumble with my jacket buttons and pull it off.

“Well, now that that is over, let's get to work.” She smiles.

“Such a workaholic.” I laugh.

“Well, there are company rules we have to follow, along with our own.”

“We haven't signed anything yet,” I remind her.

“We’ve had our own rule from the start of this relationship: Not at work.”

“Except that one time,” I tease.

“Except that once.” She nods with a roll of her eyes.

“And that kiss yesterday.”

“Shut up. Let's get to work,” she mumbles, crossing her legs over another, poised to start our morning agenda.

Chapter Fourteen


I reviewed several drafts of both the new relationship contract and the additions to the employee handbook over the past few weeks. Once I approved everything, Bella and I sat in Maggie’s office and signed the first contract. We rolled out the new addition to the handbook and scheduled a seminar. I feel positive that what we're doing is a step forward for the business and in our relationship.

Three weeks after the meeting with Maggie, the relationship between Bella and myself, aside that we're growing closer as we somehow felt that our relationship was no longer something that can be construed as not allowed. We continue to keep our personal lives out of the office and no one notices the small smiles she gives me or the number of times I've checked out her ass when she's walking in front of me, which happens to be eleven times today alone. Not that I'm counting.

I'm walking out of my office for the day when I catch a few other staffers lingering by Bella's door. I quietly stride up behind them and overhear something about happy hour, plenty of guys, and an invitation for Bella to join them. She politely declines and they plead with her to come out.

I've only heard of her going out with one other person – her friend Felipe. Never once in the five months we’ve been together has she mentioned going out with people from work. So used to being in our bubble, I forget she must have a life outside of me. We aren't together every night, but we are more often than not. I don't want her to feel she can't go out and enjoy herself just because she and I are together.

I clear my throat, making my presence known. The women in front of the door freeze and their eyes go wide as they notice it is me.

“Good evening, Mr. Adams,” A short brunette with her hair up and glasses says quietly.

“Ladies,” I acknowledge them. “I need to speak with Isabella before I leave.”

They scatter quickly as if I've frightened them. I turn to Bella and smile.

“Was that necessary?” She eyes me.

“Probably not. Go out with them tonight. I plan to go to the gym and then I have my monthly dinner plans.”

“I'm not feeling like it. I was planning on just going home tonight.”

“Go. Socialize,” I urge her.

“You sure?” she asks, her interest piqued. “I was think of coming over tonight.”

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