Page 10 of The Brute

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When I return to work, I have no extra pep in my step. When I walk through the building lobby and into the elevator, I am sure as hell am not cheery and recharged, as one should be after staying in a beachside hotel for three days.

I ignore all the people in my path and walk straight into my office, even ignoring Bella, who promptly gathers a pen and notepad and follows me into my office. She waits silently as I remove my coat and place it on the coat hook behind my desk. I turn around and unhook my cufflinks and roll up the sleeves of my dress shirt to the elbow, showcasing the lower portion of my sleeves of tattoos. I sit down, bring my computer to life, and fold my hands together in front of me on the desk.

Bella’s eyes widen at my colorful forearms on display for her and it hits me that she didn’t know that I have tattoos. It's a fact about me that no one at the company knows, a personal expression that I don't share with employees.

“So colorful. I wouldn’t have expected you to have tattoos,” she says.

“Most of them I got before… well before I took over the company. Some of the elements I got in more recently.” I catch myself before I share too much.

“They’re beautiful,” she whispers, looking away. “You're beautiful,” she mumbles to herself.

“So, what do we have today?” I ask, tapping my hand on the desk and wanting to change the subject.

Right as Bella opens her mouth to respond, Maggie bursts into the office, eyeing both of us suspiciously. She regards Bella with a simple nod and then focuses all her attention on me.

“Ben, a word? In private,” she says slowly.

“Bella, would you please excuse us? I'll call for you when I'm ready to figure out the remainder of the week,” I say evenly. I’m annoyed by Maggie’s interruption; no need to take it out on Bella.

Maggie watches Bella leave my office and then walks to the door and closes it.

“Benjamin Adams,” she starts. Not a good sign when she uses my full name. “Is there something going on between you and Isabella?”

My tone reveals my annoyance when I reply, “What the hell would give you that impression? The fact that she's taking notes like she does every day in my office?”

“You took her to the Hollybrooke Gala,” she replies, aghast.

“And? Last year I took a hooker.” I roll my eyes and sit back in my chair. “So what?”

“You do realize that this could be considered taking advantage of your authority over her? She's your direct employee. It could become a lawsuit against Adams Enterprises.”

“I invited Isabella as my guest because I failed to make preparations and secure a date ahead of time. The fact that Isabella came with me to the event is inconsequential. Also, if we were to become involved, I can promise you that it would be no one's business but ours, and would have no effect on the Adams Enterprises landscape.”

“I would like to update the company handbook. In the wake of this occurrence, I realized that we do not have a section regarding staff fraternization and I think it is imperative to add one.”

“Maggie. Everyone on my staff is an adult. I do not wish to infringe on their social lives.”

“Leaving this open poses a potential problem, Ben. It leaves us wide open in the instance that something occurs. You know this. Think about it. What if—”

“Maggie, there is no what if. Leave it be. I do not wish to add any additional rules to the handbook at this time and that’s final.”

“But—” she starts.

“My father didn't see a need, and neither do I,” I respond, a bit frustrated.

“Ben. You know as well as I do that the workplace atmosphere is a difficult place than it was when your father ran the company. Thousands of harassment complaints are made daily regarding incidents in the workplace. I want to avoid that becoming a problem here.”

“I don't think anyone here has to worry about me harassing them.” I laugh. “Everyone here thinks I'm an ass.”

“It could be another staff member,” she retorts.

“It could be, but I would rather trust in my employees not to be fucktards.”

“Can we at least have a harassment prevention seminar? That way the staff knows what is and is not appropriate and how to report such things?” Her frustration is clear in her tone.

“By all means.” I wave her off, hoping she will leave now that I’ve agreed to at least one thing.

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