Page 8 of My Alien Cellmate

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I blink, surprised and worried about where he’s headed with this line of questioning. When I don’t immediately reply, Omicron rushes in with an answer. “I believe so, Alpha 2-P. We noticed his extra appendage between his legs when we were disarming him.”

“Perfect,” the scientist replies. “You will breed this female, Syndoran. Her market value will grow if she carries a fetus.”

“I…what?!” I gawk at the Genixarian, not believing my ears. “No! I won’t br— I won’t touch that female!” I’d never touch a female against her will and I doubt she’d be willing to have sex with me of her own volition.

The scientist shrugs, turning to the cells on the other side of the hallway. “Very well. We have other males here suitable for the task. You, creature!” he yells at a bipedal lizard covered in rough scales. “You are a male, correct?”

The lizard doesn’t understand him any better than the human female did, but his half-erect cock is clearly visible under his primitive loincloth. That seems to be the only answer Alpha needs. “Looks like male to me,” he murmurs before addressing the two guards. “Remove the female’s clothes and put her in his cell. According to my research, the mating instincts should take care of the rest.”

Horrified, I watch Gamma and Omicron tear off the screaming female’s clothes. They drag her toward the lizard’s cell.

“Wait!” I shout before they can unlock the door. “I’ll do it! I’ll mate with the female.” I can’t possibly let them put her in the same cell as that primitive beast. Alpha looks unconvinced, so I continue, “How do you know the creature won’t harm or even kill her? Wouldn’t that cost you money?”

“True,” Alpha agrees. “You shall breed her then. Make sure the fluid from your genital appendage goes into the larger hole between her legs. Did I say that correctly?” He consults the datapad. “I did! Perfect. Put her in with him,” he orders.

I consider pouncing on the Genixarians the second they open my cell, but Alpha holds up the slave collar remote in a clear warning. They aren’t completely stupid, it seems.

The guards toss the kicking and screaming female into my cell and promptly shut the door. She presses her back against the bars on the side as if she cannot decide whether she’s more afraid of the Genixarians or me. She’s trying to hide her nudity with one hand over her pussy and the other over her breasts, but it doesn’t help much.

Despite my decision not to touch her, my cock stands at attention, straining against the flimsy material of my pants, the only piece of clothing the Genixarians have left me.

Alpha taps on his datapad, nodding. “One male, one female. Good. Now, commence breeding. We shall take our leave so we don’t have to watch your disgusting mating rituals.”

“Great,” I snicker, knowing my sarcasm will be lost on them. “How about some food and water for the female? And the others?” I haven’t seen them give any food or water to any of the slaves since they locked me up and it’s been hours.

Alpha scowls at the guards. “You didn’t feed the slaves? You had orders! This is unacceptable. I will make sure the home planet hears of your incompetence. Go feed them now. Sick and weak slaves won’t yield good profit.”

Murmuring vague excuses, the guards rush off. Alpha turns his scowl on me. “Breed her, Syndoran,” he orders, “or I’ll have another male do it.”

“Yes, sir,” I sneer to his back.

I fucking hate Genixarians!

I knew they were creepy, but they usually keep to their planet and don’t bother the rest of the galaxy. Apparently, that was in the past. Why in the world they decided to dabble with slavers and kidnap primitive creatures from forbidden planets is beyond me. Maybe they need money. Maybe they’re excited to study new lifeforms. Maybe they’re insane. It doesn’t matter. What matters is getting out of here.

I brush thoughts of the Genixarians away, focusing on the present. The present that is having a naked female in my cell with orders to put a child in her, or else. I have no intention of following that order, of course, but I admit the female is attractive. I’d have sex with her in a heartbeat if she wanted it.

Her body is soft, her curves so gentle and generous that my cock won’t currently go down. Her terror-stricken face spoils the beautiful image, though. She looks paralyzed with fear.

I long to offer her comfort, but my presence is only making her fear worse, so I opt for sitting on the floor on the other side of the cell, trying to look as non-threatening as I can. For a male of my size and musculature? It’s not a simple feat.

Chapter 6


I have no idea what is happening, which has become a constant for me in the past few hours. I only know that my already shitty day is becoming even worse. Not only did the gray aliens strip me naked, but they’ve locked me in a cell with the tiger-like alien whose cock has been bulging under his pants ever since I first saw him. And now, there are no bars separating us.

It is difficult to analyze his facial expressions since his face is striped orange and black, just like the rest of his body, making him appear menacing. However, when he doesn’t immediately pounce on me, I take a closer look at him.

His orange eyes seem to hold compassion rather than hunger or desire. His cat-like ears are flat against his head. I know cats do that when they feel threatened or are about to attack, but the alien’s posture conveys sadness rather than aggression.

His tail is tucked tightly around his body, gone is the happy flicking and wrapping itself around things. Is he sad I am in here with him? Or that I am scared of him?

He talked to the gray aliens. I am pretty sure the tigerman was the one who convinced the guards to stop tormenting me. Kudos to him. On the other hand, it also appears that he convinced them to put me into his cell. That calls for a point deduction. However, he hasn’t attempted to touch me yet, so he is still in the positive numbers.

I rub my throbbing forehead before realizing the movement leaves my breasts bare and quickly returning my arm to my chest. I am so tired I can’t think straight, but it doesn’t seem like I’ll be able to sleep any time soon. After all, how can I fall asleep knowing I could wake up being chewed on or having an alien cock inside of me? I can’t decide which option is worse.

Aside from my obvious terror and general discomfort, I also have more mundane things to worry about, like the overwhelming urge to pee. Honestly, I’m surprised my bladder didn’t empty when the guards activated my collar. But it didn’t, and now I’m faced with the daunting task of using the waste bucket while sharing a cell with a horny alien. Naked.

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