Page 6 of My Alien Cellmate

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I grit my teeth, willing the stupid thing to go down. It has terrible timing. I need to stay focused, not to let primitive alien lifeforms distract me.

The female looks anything but primitive, though. As the guards toss her into the cell, she whimpers before immediately getting to her feet and glaring at them. She places her hands on her hips, drawing my attention back to them. Her pants are rather minimalistic, tightly hugging her firm, round buttocks before ending right beneath the cheeks, leaving her legs bare. I assume she comes from a warm location where they don’t need much clothing.

She yells at the guards in a melodic language, which is an exceptionally stupid move. Perhaps her species isn’t as intelligent as I’d suspected.

Gamma pulls out the collar remote, punishing her. She falls to her knees, her fists clenched, her teeth grinding together so hard I’m worried they’ll shatter. Still, she doesn’t make a single sound, glaring at the Genixarians with admirable determination.

I fight off the urge to spring to my feet and help her.

My natural instinct is to protect others. That’s the main reason I joined the UGC peacekeeping force. I loathe injustice and I hate watching people suffer. The female’s suffering is causing me pain, but there’s nothing I can do. Anything I try would only make things worse for both of us.

When Gamma is finally satisfied, he deactivates the female’s collar. “That should teach you to keep your mouth shut,” he says before marching out of the cellblock.

The female hisses something after the Genixarian. To my ears, it sounds like “s’ole”. I don’t need to understand her language to recognize an insult. Fortunately, she keeps her voice down, which saves her from further suffering.

I watch as she cries in the corner of her cell. Should I try communicating with her? Despite stupidly provoking the guards, she seems to be intelligent. Perhaps the most intelligent creature here. She might be useful for my escape. However, I need to move slowly.

The species inhabiting the forbidden planets don’t know there’s life out in space. That information is only revealed to them once the UGC deems them advanced enough.

As far as I know, there’s currently only one species anywhere near the point of being accepted by the UGC—humans from the planet designated as Sol-3, or Earth, as they call it. I think this female is human, but of course, I can’t be certain.

Even though their technology is primitive, the humans have already managed to visit their planet’s moon and built satellites and a space station in the orbit of their planet. They’re close to being invited to the UGC, but as it stands, they’re still deemed a primitive race and all ships are banned from entering their system.

This Genixarian ship, going by the wonderfully poetic name of GN-13 Cruiser 3Alpha-X, somehow bypassed the UGC’s security measures, swooped over to Sol-3, and kidnapped this female. It means that this is her first time seeing aliens, and she now has the worst first impression possible. She’s likely scared and confused.

My people, the Syndorans, are a peaceful race, but many find our features threatening. I’m sure that if I just jumped up and started talking to the female, she’d freak out and start screaming or crying, angering the guards again. Not to mention that we wouldn’t understand each other, anyway.

I’m such an idiot for not having those extra languages downloaded into my translator nodes. A few hours of headache as my nodes update would be a small price to pay for being able to understand my fellow captives.

Well, there’s no point in crying over a spilled plasma cartridge. I can berate myself later when all of these people and I are no longer in danger of being sold as slaves to some of the worst psychopaths in the galaxy.

I’ll give the female time to adjust to her new situation. I’m not in a rush, anyway. The GN-13 Cruiser 3Alpha-X is currently cruising through hyperspace. Even if I escape now, I wouldn’t be able to send a message to my squad. I need to bide my time, so I quietly observe the human female, hoping she won’t notice my raging erection.

Chapter 4


A yelp escapes me as I feel something tug on my hair. I spring to my feet, jumping away from the bars, finding myself face to face with the one thing that’s not alien in this nightmare—the black and white muzzle of the giant panda.

Whining, it reaches for me, nuzzling against the bars. It’s not aggressive at all, it just seems…lonely? This is not a wild animal, I realize. The damned aliens must have stolen it from a zoo and now, it’s missing its keepers.

“There, there,” I soothe, cautiously reaching through the bars to scratch behind the panda’s ear. I have no idea how to calm a distressed panda, but dogs and cats like their ears scratched, so I go with that. Whining again, the panda leans into my touch.

“Shh, quiet. You don’t want them to hear you. Just sit tight and munch on some more bamboo, alright? Everything will be fine. I’ll get us out of here. Somehow.”

To my surprise, the panda calms down. It curls up by the bars and, after some more petting, it falls asleep.

“Well, look at that!” I murmur to myself. “I’m a fucking panda whisperer. Still think I don’t have any applicable skills, Ms. Jansen?” My old school counselor probably wouldn’t consider soothing a panda to sleep a useful skill, but I feel accomplished anyway. It empowers me enough to stop sniveling and start figuring out how to escape this hellhole.

Everything around me looks the same as before, with one significant difference. The cell on my left is no longer empty; it now houses a tiger. Or at least, that’s what immediately comes to my mind. A panda, a tiger, both rare and somewhat cute. It makes sense for the aliens to have captured them. However, upon closer inspection, I realize that despite the orange and black stripes, the creature in the other cell is definitely not a tiger.

For one, it’s wearing pants. As far as I know, Earth tigers don’t do that. For another, this creature doesn’t have any fur. Aside from a black mop of hair on its head and a short tuft at the end of its tail, it’s hairless. The stripes are the coloring of its skin, not its fur.

His fur, I correct myself after scanning the tigerman’s pants again. No Ken dolls down there. This alien definitely has a cock. A big and very erect one.

I let out an exasperated huff. This is just fucking great. Another male that’s going to jerk off while watching me like the lizardman did. And since this one is right next to me, his jizz will squirt all over my cell. Fucking perfect.

I rub my forehead. The throbbing in my head makes it difficult to focus. I need to escape, to return home. But how?

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