Page 51 of My Alien Cellmate

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I want to tell him it’s the same for me. I want to tell him I’m glad aliens abducted me. That if I could go back in time, I wouldn’t change a thing. That I want to stay by his side, forever. I want to say all of that and more, but the pleasure overcomes me and all I manage is moaning and the breathless chanting of his name.

I squeeze him tightly when I come, my pussy walls contracting as pleasure washes over me. He freezes mere seconds later, his cock jerking and twitching inside of me as he comes. He continues to rub my clit, prolonging my pleasure and each time my walls press against him, his cock jerks and his moaning fans my ear.

The experience is nothing like the primal, wild fucking we’d done back in the cell. This is more intimate, more romantic, more sensual. More everything. It’s as if a bond is growing between us. Or maybe it was there all along and I’m only just now noticing it.

We stay in the same position long after our bodies have calmed. We’re both sticky from sweat and cum, and I’m fairly certain I have some blood on me, both my own and that of those alien spiders. I don’t care, though. I’m content just lying in Tareq’s arms.

“Oh, my Myále,” he whispers, sighing in contentment.

“You never told me what it means. And can I say it to you too, or does it have a masculine version?”

He chuckles, planting a kiss on my earlobe, then continuing down my neck. “It means my beloved. My mate. My life. My everything,” he says between kisses. “And you can say it too, if you want. You can call me anything, Astra, anything at all. I’ll just be grateful to hear your voice.”

Oh, be still my heart! How is such a big hunk of an alien so romantic? “We’ve only known each other for like two days,” I object. “And we couldn’t even understand each other the first day. And even back then, you still called me Myále, didn’t you?” He said the word so many times and with such inflection, I could pick it up even before I got my translator nodes.

“I knew you were perfect for me. I wanted to hold back because I thought you’d go home and forget all about me, but I couldn’t.”

“I’d never forget about you. They’d have to fry my brain completely to erase the memory of you and even then, my heart would always know something was missing.” I might be crazy declaring my love to this man I just met, but I don’t care. It feels right. It doesn’t solve any of the hundreds of issues that are bound to pop up later, though. “Is it really alright if I stay? Even though I’m from a primitive planet?” I tease half-heartedly. “Or will you have to register me as your pet?”-

He snorts, pausing his kisses to look at me. “It’s absolutely fine, Astra,” he says seriously. “The UGC doesn’t force anyone to go anywhere. They only insist on the memory wipe to ensure the civilizations are left to evolve without outside influence. But…there is something I have to tell you that might make you change your mind.”

He shifts nervously, his half-erect cock sliding out of me. His cum coats my thighs, but I barely even notice, startled by his words. “Okay. I don’t think anything would change my mind at this point, but if you think you have to tell me, then tell me.” God, I hope he isn’t married.

“My situation has…changed. I told you I was working for the UGC. Me, and my squad, we’re Voidstalkers, the most capable and best trained soldiers in the galaxy,” he says with pride. “Well, we used to be, anyway. We went against direct orders when we landed on Ralax 8a. And now, well…we’re outlaws.”

It takes me a few seconds to realize what he means. “Because of me?! You…you went and threw your life away to save me? Oh my god, are you going to prison because of me?!”

“Not unless I turn myself in,” he replies with a grin that feels forced.

Guilt sweeps over me and I hide my face in my hands. “Damn, I’m so sorry. Can I tell them it was all my fault? That I made you do it? I’ll take all the blame. I don’t want you to suffer because of me.” I’m a terrible person. I show up in his life only to fuck it up completely.

“Astra, please,” he says, pulling my hands away from my face. “Don’t blame yourself for this. It’s not your fault. It was my choice and I would never change it. It…it wasn’t even about you. Or at least, not only about you. I just couldn’t bear the thought of so many innocent beings dying on that stupid planet just because a stupid bureaucrat insisted on following a stupid rule. We all made the decision to go against the UGC’s command and if it’s put us on the wrong side of the law…? Well, then maybe the law is wrong, not us.

“Either way, it’s done. And I wasn’t telling you this to make you feel guilty. I was telling you because perhaps you wouldn’t want to stay with me, considering I’m now an outlaw?” This time, his grin feels a little more earnest.

I smack my lips. “Oh please, everyone knows human girls love bad boys. The more red flags, the better.” I caress his cheek, adding a bit more seriously, “But what about your family? Won’t they get in trouble?”

“Of course not. They might be shocked to hear I’ve defected, but I’ll send them a message to explain. I’m sure they’ll understand. On my planet, family and love are valued more than arbitrary laws.”

“Sounds like a nice place to live. But…you can’t go back there, can you? What are you going to do? Where are you…we going to live? I’m not sure I have any skills to make money for us. I never really finished school and I’ve only worked menial jobs since then, but I’ll do anything to help. I can go back to waitressing or do some housekeeping, maybe? Do you guys have robots for that or do you still hire people? Or—”

Tareq silences me with a kiss. “Astra, I have stockpiles of untraceable money and false identities all over the galaxy. We all do. We certainly won’t starve. As for where we will live? Well, we have commandeered this ship and I assume Zarkan will want to keep it. I know it’s not as nice as a cozy dwelling down on a hospitable planet somewhere, but…do you think you could stand it to live here for a while?”

Living on a spaceship with aliens and traveling the galaxy? I’ve never been a nerdy girl, but even to me, the idea sounds exciting. I clap my hands, cringing at how sticky they are. “I’ll stay here with you, Tareq. Under one condition,” I add, fighting to keep my expression serious.

“Yes? I’ll do anything for you, Astra. All you have to do is ask.”

Isn’t he just the sweetest alien ever? “Okay, my condition is a hot shower. Do you guys still have those? Because if you’ve evolved out of taking showers and just scrub yourself clean with some futuristic moss or something like that, I’m out of here.”

“Moss?” He quirks his brow. “No, we don’t use moss. We have a special strain of bacteria that we smear over ourselves that eats the sweat and dirt, then we just sort of…peel it off. What exactly is a shower?”

I groan in utter dismay. The future sucks. Or so I think, at least, until I notice Tareq’s body twitching as he fights back a laugh.

“You jerk!” I yell, smacking his thigh. “You’re making fun of me, aren’t you?”

He gives me a toothy grin. “A little. Of course, we have showers. In fact, this class of ship usually has a small swimming pool too, but I doubt the Genixarians kept it operational. We can check it out later.”

Having a swimming pool on a freaking spaceship sounds exorbitantly decadent but I’m not gonna complain. Right now, I’ll just settle for a long, hot shower. “Will you show me the showers and how to operate them?”

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