Page 41 of My Alien Cellmate

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Tapping at the scales on his chin, Zarkan gives me a thoughtful look. “Actually, there are three spaceships.”

I stare at him, confused. I didn’t see any other ships in the hangar and I know a cruiser of this type doesn’t have multiple hangar bays. Then it dawns on me, and I want to smack myself in the face for being so stupid. “We are standing inside a ship. We could land and pick Astra up.”

Cruisers aren’t intended as space-to-surface vessels but they are built to withstand most atmospheres and can land on planets if necessary. It’s not done often because it’s easier to just send a smaller transport ship, but it is possible. And right now, this might be my only option to save Astra.

Of course, there’s one problem. I’m not alone here and I can’t ask my squad mates to potentially throw their lives away for me.

I rub the bridge of my nose, giving myself time to collect my racing thoughts. “You guys take the Dart and wait here,” I suggest. “There’s no need for you to get involved in this.”

“No need?” Lyriana snorts with an incredulous look. “There’s every need. You won’t make it five minutes without someone covering your back. I’m in.”


Zarkan clears his throat and silence spreads over the bridge. There’s just the six of us now, plus the Genixarian captain, but he’s wisely keeping his mouth shut. Zarkan looks us over, his expression solemn. “Going down to that planet directly violates our standing orders. You know what this means.”

We know. Disciplinary committees, dishonorable discharges. Months in prison. The UGC will want to make an example of us. “That’s why I’m going alone,” I say with determination. “I have to go. Astra is my Myále. I’d do anything for her and I’ll gladly accept the consequences, but I’m not bringing you all down with me.”

Lyriana smirks. “I’m going with you. Try and stop me.”

“Me too,” D’Aakh says. Omni stands by my side, squeezing my shoulder.

Faelin seems torn. He keeps looking between me and Zarkan, his fists clenched. I hate myself for putting him in this position. Zarkan is the closest thing Faelin has ever had to a father. I’m the closest thing he’s ever had to a brother. We’re all his family and making him pick a side is cruel.

“Faelin, stay with the captain,” I say, wanting to make this easier for him. “All of you. I really appreciate your offer but I don’t want—”

“No,” Faelin interrupts me. He wipes a tear off his cheek, then stands next to me. “I’m sorry, Captain, but I’m going with Tareq. His mate is in danger and we can’t just stand by and do nothing. We all signed up for this job to save lives and help those in need. To make the galaxy a better place. If we leave those creatures stranded down there, we’re no better than the scumbags I grew up with.”

Zarkan watches us with an unreadable expression. “You guys do realize that this will either land you in prison or make you fugitives from justice?” he asks.

“Been there, done that,” Faelin smirks. “At least this time, it’s for a good reason.”

The other three merely nod. They’re not changing their minds. I’m overcome with so much gratitude that it almost makes up for the nagging guilt.

I expect our captain to look at us with disappointment. To order us to stand down, to try and arrest us. I pray he doesn’t because I really, really don’t want to fight him.

I respect Zarkan. Everything I know, I’ve learned from him. I hate that a bunch of stupid bureaucrats are putting us on opposing sides.

This isn’t even just about saving Astra anymore. It’s about following stupid orders versus doing good. And I’ve never been very good at following orders.

“Hmm,” Zarkan hums. To my surprise, he’s grinning. “It seems like I have a mutiny on my hands.” He’s not wrong, of course. Before any of us can think of anything to say, his grin grows wider. “Well, you know what they say? If you can’t beat ’em… Let’s get this ship moving.”

I gawk at him, unable to utter a sound. Finally I squeak out, “But…you…?”

“Captain, what about your career?” Lyriana asks, frowning. “This is your life, you can’t just—”

“Bah.” Zarkan waves his hand dismissively. “I’ve never cared about my career. I only ever cared about you idiots. You’re like the kids I never had. You’re the reason I stayed, even though I could have retired years ago. If you think I’m gonna let you do this on your own, you’ve got another thing coming. Plus, I can’t wait to meet the female who managed to capture Tareq’s hearts.”

They’re all willing to throw away their lives for me. Every single one of them. My hearts feel like they’re about to burst. “Guys, you shouldn’t…” I try one last time to dissuade them.

“Shut the fuck up, Tareq,” Lyriana interrupts. “It’s decided. What’s the plan?”

Zarkan gives me a questioning look. He doesn’t have to ask the question out loud, I know what he means. He’s offering me the proverbial mantle. If we’re going rogue, he's not our superior officer anymore. I could lead the squad.

I briefly humor the idea before dismissing it. I’d make a mess of things. Zarkan is an outstanding leader because he’s calm even in the most stressful situations. He thinks before charging in. He’s all the things I’m not and I’m happy to follow his lead.

I give him a nod. “Captain?” I ask, letting him know my decision.

He smirks but nods back at me. Grateful, perhaps. We both know I’d be a shitty leader. “Well, I think it should be rather simple. Computer?”

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