Page 29 of My Alien Cellmate

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The lizardman stands, watching the commotion with his small eyes. I back off as far away from him as I can, too terrified to even scream when he steps toward me. I know I should do something, fight him, but how? He’s more than a foot taller than me and at least twice as heavy. And he’s a fucking lizard with sharp teeth. How do you fight that?

My eyes slide down to his neck. He wears the same collar as the rest of us. I could use the remote if I fucking knew how. There are several buttons with scribbles I don’t understand. One is bigger than the others, though. That should be the right one.

The lizardman advances on me, and my finger hovers over the button.

I don’t press it.

I wait, because from this close I can see that the alien isn’t looking at me. He’s looking at the guards loitering in front of the cell. They’re busy watching Tareq’s body twitch as they keep activating his collar.

The lizardman reaches the bars in a long leap and I duck out of his way. He’s not coming after me.

He reaches through the bars, burying his claws deep into the shoulder of the nearest guard. The Genixarian’s scream is cut off when the lizardman tears his throat out.

Tears. His. Throat. Out.

I swallow the bile rising in my own throat, jumping back to avoid blood splatter as the lizardman throws the chunk of flesh away and reaches for another guard.

They’re shit at their job because they’re still standing by the bars to our cell, like tomatoes ripe for picking. Very bloody tomatoes.

The lizardman maims another guard before the leader finally reacts and activates his collar. My new cellmate roars in pain and anger, still trying to swipe at them. They have to increase the shock power several times before they finally subdue him and he collapses, unconscious.

The two remaining guards look at each other, shocked but relieved. As they see it, they just suppressed a rebellion. The way I see it, they’re enjoying the last few seconds of their lives, because the cell door behind them opens and Tareq staggers out, looking positively furious.

Chapter 18


I suck at making plans.

A few years back, when I joined the Voidstalkers, I was hoping to make it into a grand career. To climb through the ranks. When I tried to get promoted to squad leader, my superiors laughed at me. Told me to come back once I’ve shed all of my milk teeth.

Back then, I was angry. I’d just made it into the most elite armed force in the entire galaxy, and I felt like I’d be good at commanding people just because I had muscles and knew how to shoot a gun. I envied our captain’s job of sitting back and giving orders.

I was stupid. A rookie that deserved to get punched, not given a promotion.

I thought I knew better than a person with decades of experience so one day, I ignored the captain’s order on a mission, thinking my plan was better than his. Not only did I nearly die, but I almost got my squad mates killed, too.

It was a brutal wake-up call that brought me to my knees. I felt so bad I was ready to leave the force completely, but the very same squad members I’d just recklessly endangered talked me into staying. Then, to my surprise, the captain that I had clearly disobeyed, thinking I was smarter than him, patted my shoulder and welcomed me to the team.

Since then, I’ve never reapplied for that promotion. I realized I didn’t want the crushing responsibility of making hard decisions that might get other people killed. That’s why I’d insisted on going on this mission alone. If I fuck up, it’ll be just my life in danger.

And look where it’s gotten me. Again, I’m responsible for someone else. And this time, they’re not even a trained professional who’s chosen to be here.

After the Genixarians took Astra away, I spent an eternity agonizing over every single decision I’d made since signing up for this mission. I’ve made so many mistakes I wonder how I still call myself a Voidstalker when I’m such a miserable failure.

Even now, an innocent female is taking all of the risks while I sit back in the comfort of my cell. It might have been her idea and her choice, but that doesn’t make me any less responsible if anything should happen to her.

“Nothing will happen to her,” I mutter to myself, needing to hear it out loud. “She’s clever, she won’t fuck it up like I did.” Clever, brave and beautiful. And angry with me, I think.

I’m not an expert on the female mind, but Astra acted differently toward me after we started planning our escape. Has she realized that anything that happens between us is pointless since the UGC will erase her memories before returning her home? Or is it something else?

She didn’t seem too excited about the idea of going home. Or maybe that’s just my wishful thinking. But…she didn’t say she wanted to stay here with me either. Gah! How am I supposed to know what she’s thinking about or what she wants?

The cell block door opens, the Genixarians are bringing her back. My hearts swell with relief at seeing her unharmed, then get crushed when my already fucked-up plan falls apart even more. I’d hoped they’d put her back into my cell, even if only for a short while, but they’ve locked her in with that primitive lizard monster.

I admit, I don’t really register what’s happening during the next few minutes very well. I take out the keycard, determined to get out of this cell and rescue Astra no matter what, but of course, I don’t make it far. The fuckers activate my collar and send me stumbling to the floor.

I hate this fucking thing. Once I’m free, I’ll destroy every single collar on this entire ship. Or perhaps I’ll shove it up the Genixarian’s asses. They don’t have cunts or cocks, but I bet they have assholes.

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