Page 22 of My Alien Cellmate

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The clever female, however, isn’t easily fooled. Even though she’s practically half asleep already, she rouses, raising her head to frown at me. “That sounds like there’s a catch. You promised not to lie to me, Tareq. Tell me everything.”

I could point out that withholding information isn’t the same as lying, but I don’t want to risk her slapping me. She’s a feisty one, this female. “You can’t go back home with knowledge of the outside universe or wearing super advanced technology. They’ll remove your translator nodes. Painlessly,” I add quickly at the feel of her tensing up. “And…they’ll remove your memories.”

“They’ll what?!”

“Just the ones made since you were taken. Your prior memory will not be affected. You can go back to your life as if nothing happened.” As if she’s never met me. The thought causes me pain.

She’s quiet for a long time. Just when I think she’s fallen asleep, she sighs. “I wouldn’t mind forgetting about how they drilled holes into my head or how they probed my vagina, but…” Another sigh. “I kinda like the idea of knowing there’s intelligent life in the universe. And I wouldn’t want to forget about…you.”

Her last word is a breathless whisper, but my sensitive hearing picks it up. My tail snakes up to wrap around her waist and hold her closer to me. “I’d hate for you to forget me too,” I admit, “but you need to return home. To your life, your family. Your…mate?” I hesitate, not wanting to pry but too curious to remain silent.

She snorts, her breath tickling my chest. “Mate? Nah. I had a couple of bad one-night stands, then I gave up on men altogether. I can do the job myself in half the time and with much less bitching.”

“That’s so sad. Males of Earth sound quite incompetent.” I would lick her pussy for hours if she allowed me to, but I’m not sure if that’s what she wants to hear right now.

“Well, I haven’t tried all of them,” she chuckles. “I might just be picking the wrong ones. God knows I never had a good example from my mother. She went through men faster than she went through socks and most of them were addicts or criminals. Or both.” She shakes her head, her arm holding me tighter. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to whine about my shitty life. It’s just that I don’t really have much to return to.”

I wait with bated breath for her to ask if she has to return home and if she could stay here instead, but she never does. Perhaps it’s for the best. She will go back to her world and I will go on another mission. I have nothing to offer her.

My own head throbs from where the Genixarian scientist updated my translator nodes. Plus, my cock and my hearts ache at the thought of losing this beautiful human. My chest keeps vibrating, something that only ever happens to Syndorans who have found mates they wish to spend the rest of their lives with. I smack at my stupid chest, willing it to stop. I only have a few more days to spend with Astra.

Her breathing grows steady and deep until soon she’s snoring softly against my shoulder. I dare to run my fingers through her tangled mane, lovely even when in desperate need of washing. I’m not about to complain, though. I’m in desperate need of washing too and this whole place stinks of sweat and fecal waste. Not the most romantic of conditions. And why am I even thinking of romance? I should be busy figuring out a way to escape this cell and signal my squad.

Captain Zarkan is no doubt worried by my total radio silence. The man worries about every squad member as if we were his own children. Which, given his age, we could be. Despite being twice as old as we are, Zarkan can still defeat most of us in combat, and his experience makes him an outstanding leader. To say that I admire him is an understatement.

Our squad is a close-knit family. We squabble and bicker and prank each other, but in the end, we have each other’s backs. I’m one of the lucky ones who still has an actual loving family back home, but for some of my teammates, Nova squad is the only family they have ever known. We’d all fight fiercely to the end to protect it.

Time flows by, but I don’t sleep. I’m content to just hold Astra in my arms and soothe her whenever she whimpers in her sleep. Her body fits against mine so perfectly I can’t stop thinking what it would be like to have her next to me every night. And every day.

Noise from behind the cellblock door rouses me from my fruitless fantasies. The Genixarians enter, dragging a half-limp form between them. They carelessly shove the person into the first cell by the door before leaving.

I move to the bars to get a better look and confirm my suspicion. It’s the other human.

Before I can tell that to Astra, she’s already standing next to me, peeking through the bars. “Ohmigod!” she gasps. “That’s a human, isn’t it? Poor girl.”

I eye the person huddled in the corner of their cell. “I think this one is a male. He doesn’t have your…proportions,” I note, my eyes tracing the outline of her body.

“A male, huh? Well, at least he was spared of the vaginal prodding,” she says, grimacing in disgust. “Hello?!” she calls, trying to keep her voice down so as not to attract guards but loud enough for the other human to hear. “Are you there?”

The male shifts, crawling closer to the bars. “Who are you? Where am I? What the hell is happening?” he calls back and even I can tell he’s not using the same language as Astra. His is a little rougher.

“Keep your voice down,” Astra warns, “or they’ll come back. What’s your name?”

“What? I can’t understand you. You’re American, right? I don’t speak much English.”

Astra frowns at me. “Why can’t he understand me? I thought the translator thingies were supposed to take care of it?”

“They only translate what you hear, not what you say. He would need to have it implanted as well.” I don’t add that the Genixarians would never agree to that, even if I dared to suggest it.

“Well, that sucks,” Astra mutters. She thinks for a moment before leaning to the bars again. “My name is Astra,” she says slowly, carefully enunciating every word.

“Astra,” the male repeats, causing an irrational wave of jealousy to take over me. It’s silly, but I want to be the only one to say her name. “You, Astra. I, Nikolai,” he says, pointing to make sure the meaning gets across. “Hello,” he adds, then sighs. “Fuck, I should have paid attention during those English lessons. The only other human in this terrible place and I can’t even talk to her,” he mumbles to himself.

Astra smiles at the man, though I doubt he can see her. The cellblock is almost dark again and I have a feeling human eyesight isn’t anything to brag about. Not like my eyesight, which is impeccable even in the dark.

“Nikolai,” she repeats his name. “Pleased to meet you, although I wish it was under better circumstances. Look, I know you don’t understand me right now, but I want you to know that everything is going to be alright.”

My heart melts at her words. They are the same words I’ve been telling her to soothe her fear before she could understand me. My Myále is a tender soul.

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