Page 10 of My Alien Cellmate

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Even if we weren’t stuck in this terrible situation together, even if she wasn’t terrified of me, she’d still have to return home. She comes from a forbidden planet. After we escape and she returns home, I’ll never see her again. And she won’t even remember me.

The Non-Interference Directive requires that all creatures from forbidden planets are repatriated and must have their memories erased. Once I free her, the UGC will remove her memory of the kidnapping and send her back home. Back to her family, her life. To her mate? Does she have a mate? A growl rumbles inside my chest when I imagine her in the arms of another male.

Fuck, I need to snap out of this weird obsession! The human female isn’t for me. Period. I don’t even want her. She’s too soft and squishy and so…so delightful? No, that’s my cock talking again. I need to take care of that particular appendage.

I unbutton my pants and pull my engorged cock out. It aches for attention. I grab it, running my hand up and down the hot surface. My penile bristles are already erect, tickling my palm as I draw my hand over them. Females tend to love them, saying that the tiny ridges dragging over the inside of their sexual organs amplify the pleasure.

I look down at the human female. Would she love my bristles too? Or would she freak out over my anatomy, which I’m certain differs from that of a human male? Probably the latter, but for a second, I let myself believe that she’d like it. Her eyes would widen with instant desire when she sees me naked. Her tiny human hand would test the soft bristles, reluctantly at first, then with more fervor as they harden under her touch, then she’d wrap her fingers around my cock and pump me.

What would her moans sound like? Her language is different from mine, soft and melodic. Even when she was yelling at the Genixarians, it sounded like a gentle song. Would her moans be like that? Gentle and melodic? Or would she scream for me when I brought her pleasure? What would my name sound like coming from her soft, pink lips?

I bite back a groan as I come, spurting my seed into the damned waste bucket. I’m certain that ships of this class have a proper brig, and yet, the Genixarians chose to build cells in a storage room instead and didn’t even bother equipping them with basic amenities. Not even the ruthless Ataxi had kept me in such miserable conditions when they’d captured me during their short conflict with the UGC.

I feel like a creep, jerking off while thinking about the unsuspecting female who sleeps nearby, but I needed to clear my mind. Usually, everything relaxes after I masturbate. Not this time, though. I still want the human female. I still crave to touch her, to mate with her. To hold her. To make her smile. Something is seriously wrong with me.

To distract myself, I eat two of the ration bars, sharing a part of the second one with the insects in the other cell. In return, they bring me seeds and dried berries from their pile of food. Not wanting to offend them, I gingerly try one pink berry, surprised that it doesn’t taste half bad. I put some aside for the female. The ration bars, while providing all of the necessary nutrition, taste bland. I hope the female will trust me enough to take other food from me.

She’ll be frightened again when she wakes up, that is for certain. There’s not much I can do about that other than to keep my distance and be patient with her.

As I wait for her to wake up, I plan my escape.

The guards are negligent. They came too close to the bars when giving us food. Next time, I could easily grab one and swipe the keycard. However, would I have time to use it before the other one activates my collar? Ideally, I would take out both guards at the same time, but that would require some sort of lure or distraction. Something to draw them both to the bars at once.

Would they come if they thought I’d hurt the female? No, I immediately refuse that idea. They’d probably just torment me to oblivion if they thought I’d damaged their precious cargo.

They want her pregnant. Being Genixarians, they know next to nothing about reproduction through intercourse. Plus, the female is human, a new species. I could use their ignorance to my advantage.

A whimper interrupts my thoughts. Not only is the female having a nightmare, but she is also shivering, her skin is pebbled and paler than before. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out she is cold. The question is, am I supposed to do something about it? Would the female prefer my touch to being cold? She clung to me before, but she was exhausted and barely conscious. Would she hate me for touching her while she slept?

The female’s teeth make a clattering sound, helping me decide. She can’t be angry if she dies from hypothermia. Being touched by a stranger must be better than freezing to death, right?

I lie down beside her, surprised when she immediately curls into my chest. It feels like hugging an icicle, and I’m glad I made this choice.

The only problem is that once again, my cock doesn’t get the memo about not touching the female sexually. It’s as hard as if I hadn’t masturbated at all, poking the female’s stomach through my pants. It’s majorly uncomfortable, but I push my discomfort aside. I have the female in my arms, all of her soft, supple body.

She’s stopped shivering and murmurs something in her sleep. This time, it doesn’t sound like she is having a nightmare, but rather a pleasant dream. I fall asleep, allowing myself the foolish hope that she is dreaming about me.

Chapter 8


For the first time in months, I don’t wake up to the blaring of the alarm clock, which can only mean one thing—I overslept. In panic, I jolt awake, my eyes snapping open as I prepare to launch myself out of bed. But I’m not in my bed. I’m in a cell, lying naked on a cold metal floor.

The memories all flood back to me at once. The kidnapping, the cell, the aliens—freaking ALIENS!—the prodding and probing, the pain from the collar, and how they tossed me into the cell with the tiger-looking alien. Naked, like an offering. But he didn’t hurt me. In fact, I can feel his muscular arms wrapped around me even now, protecting me from the cold.

To my surprise, my first instinct isn’t to scream out in terror and run away from him. It’s to cuddle closer to his broad, perfectly sculpted chest.

My instincts suck.

My back is to his front, and I can feel the hardness of his erection poking at my backside. That helps me sober up a little. Still, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. He could have raped me ten times over and yet, he resigned himself to simply holding me so I wouldn’t be cold. And his hard cock? It seems like aliens have morning wood, too.

However, nature calls. Careful not to wake him, I wriggle out of his arms before heading to the stinky bucket, internally cursing the gray aliens the entire time. Finished with my morning business, I look around the room once more.

The cellblock is dark, only illuminated by what I assume are emergency lights. I can just make out my cellmate sprawled on the floor, but don’t see much from the other cells.

A skittering noise from somewhere behind the bars catches my attention. My hair stands on end, and a shudder runs down my spine. What now? What terrible things are crawling through this filthy place?

When something chirps right next to my foot, I jump back, nearly knocking over the revolting waste bucket. A scream dies in my throat.

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