Page 97 of Sinful Oath

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“Zara Mullens?”

It takes me a second to register that the doctor actually means me.

“Yes.” I get to my feet.

“Hi, Miss Mullens, I’m Dr. Waite.” He holds out his hand for me to shake.

I cringe as he notices the bloody scrapes on my palms.

But he doesn’t comment on them. “Right this way.”

He leads me down a narrow corridor and ushers me into an examination room.

“If you’d like to change into this gown and get yourself situated on the chair, we can get started. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

I make quick work of changing into the thin paper-like gown.

I feel ridiculous that I got myself into this situation in the first place, but there’s nothing I can do about it now.

Dr. Waite appears a few minutes later, a warm smile on his face as he takes a seat beside me.

“So, you’re wanting to take a look at your baby today?”

“I… Uh…I wanted to confirm if I am pregnant.”

“Right, that’s fine. I had you booked in for an ultrasound, but if it’s a blood test you need, then I can organize that. The results can sometimes take a few days, and then we can get you booked in for an early ultrasound?—”

“Oh, no, I…” I do my best to appear calm, but I can’t risk sneaking out again. I need to know now. “Sorry, I got mixed up. The ultrasound is fine. I-I’m definitely pregnant.”

“Do you know how far along you might be?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe six weeks? I’ve lost track…”

“Not to worry. I should be able to tell once I get a clear view on the ultrasound. If you wouldn’t mind putting your feet in the stirrups, we can get started.” He rolls over a cart with a small monitor and pulls on some gloves.

My heartbeat is ringing in my ears, and my eyes start to prick with tears as I lean back.

I wish Alexei was here.

I do my best to stay still as he slowly inserts the ultrasound probe. Dr. Waite’s eyebrows are furrowed which is making me nervous.

“Sometimes, it can take a moment for the fetus to appear…” He moves the wand a bit. “Try to relax for me.”

I try doing as he says and screw my eyes shut, trying to ignore the weird probe digging around inside me.

“Oh, here you are. Hello, little one.”

“Oh, god,” I open my eyes to stare at the screen. “Are you serious?”

“Here it is.” He points at a blob on the screen. “That’s your baby, right there.”

There is no more denying it. What am I going to do now?



“This is your final chance, Ricci, because I’m all out of fucks.”

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