Page 23 of Sinful Oath

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“Ah, yes. A three-story mansion screams cozy.”

Alexei chuckles, the sound sending a shiver racing down my spine and a warmth spreading through my core.

I cough, snapping myself out of my scent-induced trance.

“I have some rules that I want to lay out before we go any further.” I fold my arms across my chest, turning to face my husband.

Alexei’s eyes gleam, but he signals for me to continue.

“I want my own room.”


“And I want free roam of the house.”

Alexei narrows his eyes for a moment but eventually nods.

“You are not a prisoner here, ptichka. This is your home now, but I will add to this rule.”

“Go on.”

“You are not to leave the premises without me knowing, and without security.”

I scoff. “You’re not serious…”

“In case you haven’t realized yet, I don’t take the matter of your safety lightly. So if that makes me the bad guy here, then so be it. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”

“Fine.” I know there’s no point in fighting him.

In truth, Alexei is starting to remind me a lot of my father. Overprotective alpha male types seem to be a running theme with the men in my life.

“Anything else?” Alexei asks.

“Yes.” I take a deep breath. “I want a place to work on my art.”

Alexei’s brows lift.

“You paint?”

“Amongst other things.” I shrug.

“You’ll have to show me some of your work.”

I shake my head, fighting a smile. “Only my closest family and friends get to see my work. ‘Strange man who I was forced to marry’ does not fall into either of those two categories.”

“Perhaps I’ll fall into the category of muse.” He flashes me a wink, and I fight the urge to picture him posing nude for me. Nothing but rippling muscle and hard lines.

I swallow, averting my eyes.

“You’re too cocky for my taste.” I fight a smile.

“Really?” He lifts his eyebrows, his dark eyes twinkling. “I didn’t get that impression last night.”

My cheeks heat from the memory. Of Alexei’s lips on mine, of the hardness of his body up close as his fingers dug into my hips.

“W-why don’t you give me a tour?”

The smirk Alexei offers me tells me he knows exactly the sort of thoughts plaguing my mind, but he humors me nonetheless.

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