Page 21 of Sinful Oath

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Eventually, I must fall asleep as I wake to the sun starting to peek in through the curtains and a huge shadow cast over my bed.

“Morning, solnyshka.” Alexei chuckles.

I groan, throwing the covers over my head. “You’ve got one hour to eat breakfast and shower before we leave for our new marital home.”

“Can’t wait,” I mutter, wincing as my head pounds.

“I took the liberty of ordering you some food. It should be here by the time you’re done showering.”

“I don’t need you to tell me what to do.” I throw down the covers. glaring at a very fresh-faced Alexei.

He’s wearing a fresh white shirt and dark chinos, and a waft of his musky cologne hits my nose as I sit up.

“What time is it?”

“Six thirty.”

“Oh, hell no,” I groan, falling back against the covers.

“Welcome to the life of a Koslov.” Alexei chuckles. “Enjoy your shower.”

“Asshole,” I mutter.

Standing beneath the waterfall shower, my thoughts are plagued with memories of last night. How I practically begged Alexei Koslov to fuck me, and how he turned me down.

I run my hands over my face, mortified at how I acted.

And now I’m expected to live with the guy?

Whoever I pissed off in a former life must be having a hell of a good laugh at my expense.

The shower does little to clear the fog in my head, and when I eventually look in the mirror to brush my hair and teeth, I cringe at the slight grayish tone of my skin.

Drinking near enough two bottles of champagne on an empty stomach will do that to you. It’s a wonder I didn’t spend my wedding night with my head buried in the toilet bowl.

I do my best to make myself look somewhat presentable before emerging from the bedroom, wearing a pair of denim shorts and a tank top along with my red converse.

As I cross the living room to where Alexei is perched on the couch, my heart starts racing faster and my hands start sweating.

Yesterday felt like a game, a simulation, but now reality is starting to set in.

I’m married to Alexei Koslov.

My knees threaten to buckle beneath me, and I manage to grab hold of the back of the couch to steady myself.

Alexei glances over his shoulder, getting to his feet as he eyes the look on my face.


A knock sounds at the door, causing Alexei to curse under his breath.

“I’m fine.” I close my eyes for a moment as I fight through the sudden feeling of nausea brought on by alcohol and fear.

Alexei hesitates for a moment before going to the door to collect our room service. The smell of pancakes and bacon wafts into the room as the hotel staff wheels the tray inside, and I groan.

“Perhaps we should skip breakfast and hit the road.” He turns the staff away and closes the door.

“Unless you want the inside of your car to look like a toilet bowl, I think that’s wise.”

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