Page 18 of Sinful Oath

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“You were eye-fucking me most of the day. I think it’s only fair that I get my share, husband.” I bite the inside of my cheek as Alexei’s body tenses at my words.

If he turns around, will there be any evidence to suggest he liked what he saw?

But he remains still, reaching behind to take my arm as the elevator opens, and pulls me along as we step into the penthouse suite.

I can’t stop the alcohol-induced giggles from spilling from my mouth as he leads me across the expansive living area to the bedroom at the far end.

One look at the giant bed and the giant of a man beside me has me squeezing my thighs together.

“Sleep.” He drops his hold on me.

“I know I should be furious because of this situation I find myself in.” I lick my lips as I run my fingertips across the soft sheets. “But as I think of what we could do in this bed, I’m struggling to stay mad.” I sigh, glancing at Alexei.

His face looks pained as he regards the enormous bed before us.

“I think we should both get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow.” Alexei steps away from the bed, from me.

I pout. “I don’t want to sleep.”

I reach for the zipper at the side of my dress.

Alexei’s eyes follow my movements, and his gaze turns heated as he watches me slowly pull the zip down.

“I was thinking maybe we could do another sort of bedroom activity.”

“Bianca.” Alexei’s throat bobs.

I grin as I release the zip, and my dress pools to the floor, leaving me in nothing but a pair of pink lacy panties.

“Whoops.” I chuckle, glancing down at bare breasts. “Forgot I wasn’t wearing a bra.”

Reaching up, I cup my full breasts.

I look up under my lashes at Alexei and his expression is glazed as he watches me knead my breasts. Sighing, I roll thumbs over my pebbling nipples.

I pull my lower lip between my teeth as Alexei takes in my body.

My eyes trail down his chest, pausing as I take in the impressive bulge in his pants.

A soft whimper escapes me at the sight, and I want nothing more than to sink to my knees and take him in my mouth.

“Alexei.” I step out of the dress, taking a step toward him.

I need him. This feeling is all-consuming.

He keeps his arms plastered at his sides, clearly trying his best to restrain himself as I close the distance between us.

“Kiss me…husband,” I murmur as I sink my fingers into Alexei’s shirt and pull his mouth down to mine.

The moment his lips touch mine, my body melts.

I cling to his shirt, desperately trying to get closer to him, to feel the soft material of his shirt against my aching nipples.

My tongue darts out to trace his lower lip, urging him to part his mouth for me.

His hands grip my shoulders, and he pushes me away, leaving me confused.

“You’re clearly drunk, solnyshka,” Alexei murmurs. “I won’t take advantage of you like this.”

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