Page 148 of Sinful Oath

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I go to tilt my head up to capture his lips, but his phone starts vibrating in his pocket.

“Hold that thought.” He nudges his nose against mine before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone.

As soon as he glances at the screen, his jaw tightens.

This is not good.



I hate to leave Bianca’s side, but I can’t ignore this call from my private investigator.

Frederik’s been looking into my fathers alleged adultery for the past few weeks, and I’ve been anxious to confirm whether what Ricci said is true.

Slipping away from the party, I head upstairs to my office. I can’t risk my brothers overhearing this conversation. I still haven’t shared the allegations with them, and I don’t plan to until I know for sure whether it’s true.

“Talk to me, Frederik.” I close the door to my office behind me.

“There’s no easy way to tell you this, Alexei.”

“Just tell me, Frederik. Whatever it is, I can take it.”

My chest tightens as Frederik takes a deep breath on the other end of the line.

“Alexei, Ricci was telling the truth. Your father had a secret affair before you were born.”

My stomach sinks, and I fight the urge to launch my phone across the room.

“Who with?”

“Igor Ivanov’s wife.”

“Fuck.” I run my free hand through my hair. “Are you certain?”


My stomach drops, and I have to sink down into one of the armchairs before my legs have a chance to give out.

It was all true.

All this time, I had looked to my parents as the perfect example of a marriage. One that I hoped to aspire to have with Bianca.

They were the picture of happiness, or so I thought.

“Is this connected to the Russian properties my father gave to Igor?”

“It’s very likely.”

I screw my eyes shut as I try to ignore all the thoughts that are forcing their way into my head.

“Okay, thanks for letting me know, Frederik.”

Hanging up the phone, I let out a long breath as I glance around the office that once belonged to my father, the man who put family above everything.

“Fuck.” I run my hands over my face.

How am I meant to tell my brother’s that our father cheated on our mother?

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