Page 109 of Sinful Oath

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It’s no longer my father. It’s Bianca. Those beautiful blue eyes are vacant as she stares up at me, her blood soaking into my skin as I clutch her to my chest.

“Alexei?” Dimitri’s voice pulls me out of my nightmare.

“She has no idea what she’s done.” I lean forward to rest my head in my hands.

“I don’t think she lied on purpose. I think maybe she wanted to wrap her head around the pregnancy first and confirm her suspicions before she spoke to you? I don’t blame her, considering how you’ve acted?—”

“How else was I meant to act? She fucking ignored my one request, and now not only has she put her own life in danger but also the life of our baby!”

“You need to talk to her, brat. I know you’re angry as fuck, but you can’t ignore her forever. She’s fucking pregnant, Alexei. She needs you now more than ever.”

“Which is exactly what Gilanto will think. He’ll use this against us, Dimitri. I can’t have my wife and child being used as pawns in his sadistic little game.”

“Can you for one second not think about Mario fucking Gilanto?” Dimitri slams his hand in the arm of his chair. “Your wife is pregna?—”

His phone rings, which I’m grateful for.

I didn’t come in here to get lectured by my younger brother.

I know I can’t ignore Bianca forever, but I’m too pissed right now to be able to have a constructive conversation with her.

The truth is that I don’t trust myself, and I don’t want to say or do something that might push her away forever.

I run my hands up and down my thighs, my body a tight ball of nervous energy as Dimitri curses under his breath.

I frown. “What is it?”

Dimitri hesitates, pulling the phone away from his ear, turning off the call.


“Anton and I managed to bribe one of Gilanto’s men that we intercepted outside Alessandro’s to turn his allegiance to us.” He rubs his jaw. “A guy named Luca Caruso.”

“Caruso? Name doesn’t ring a bell.”

“For good reason. The guy’s a complete ass wipe if you ask me. He folded the moment a couple of hundreds were in his hands, no loyalty to Gilanto whatsoever.”

“Which is good for us.”

“It is. But you’re not going to like what he found out.”

I don’t miss the pity that flashes in my brother’s eyes, and I have a feeling I already know what he’s about to say.

“Spit it out, brat.”

“Gilanto’s planning on going after Bianca to get to you. He must know that she’s more than just a business deal with Emilio.”

“Fuck!” I slam my hand down on the table in front of me, causing my gun to rattle against the glass.

“We don’t know that he knows about the baby?—”

“It’s only a matter of time.”

“Should we call Danil and Mikhail? I think we should all sit down and come up with a plan.”

“We don’t have time for that.”

“Then what do you suggest we do?” Dimitri’s focus is on me.

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