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Not to hear my voice.

Not to feel my touch.

And especially not to see my face.

Chapter 6


“You haven’t seen me in over a month and doing a word search with Scrubs as our soundtrack in the background is really how you wanna spend our time together?”

“Oh look!” My mom enthusiastically exclaims prior to dragging her light biege finger down the page I’m holding open. “B…I…T…C…H…Y.”

It’s impossible not to toss her mirth-filled glare. “That’s not one of the words.”

“That doesn’t mean it’s not what you’re being.”

You know everyone sees her and thinks “sweet lady”, yet no one ever considers that she’s the true source of my sass.

And she is.

I didn’t learn to be this mouthy, independent thing all on my own.

It came from somewhere, and it damn sure wasn’t the man who was always begging for her forgiveness over his fuckups.

“I’m spending time with my daughter,” she points out with a loving smile. “That’s all that matters.”

She’s right.

But I’m not gonna admit it.

Just because she’s basically been passed out since I got here doesn’t mean I have to gift her with the ability to say “I told you so” immediately.

I’m sure she’ll have plenty of other chances between now and whenever Picard and Riker kick me out.

“I’m surprised Wes let you come,” Mom comments, weak hand reaching for the pen in my possession. “We haven’t had a single visitor since I moved here.”

“He couldn’t have kept me away if he tried.” I playfully smile to hide the hurt of seeing her so frail. “I’ve scaled much higher gates than his for much less.”


“Oh, like I wasn’t gonna try to sneak in and see the Lawson Brothers possibly swimming bottomless.”


“What’s done is done,” light heartedly leaves me. “Let’s focus on you. Getting you healthier. And better. And back to apparently running a billionaire’s life.” She finishes circling an animal name and crosses it out. “Didn’t think telling me that – at any point – in the past decade was relevant?”


“Mom.” Lowering the book into my denim covered lap is done at the same time she’s presented a disapproving stare. “Why would you keep something like this from me?”

“Why is who I work for suddenly so important?”

“Because the man you work for is the reason your ass isn’t in a hospital getting the type of care you deserve!”

“I’m getting exactly the type of care I deserve, Brynley. Hamilton is one of the best physicians in the country.”

“One of…not the best.”

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