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Stepping back.

Lowering my mask as well as jaw to profusely apologize over my actions yet can’t seem to form the words.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

What the fuck is happening to me?

How could I treat my best friend – my only fucking friend – like that?

And why?


Because he slipped out of sight with the one woman in the world, I’ve wanted in a decade but damn sure can’t have because she hates me?

Because she should hate me.

For what I did to her father.

What she thinks I’m doing to her mother.

The one woman I haven’t been able to get off my mind since she stepped foot on my property is the same one, I have no business being anywhere fucking near and yet…yet not being near her…seeing someone else near her…puts me out of my goddamn mind.

How does that make any fucking sense?

How is that…any…type of…fair?

Have I not suffered enough?

Do I still not suffer enough?

“I didn’t know she was gonna do what she did until she had done it,” he cautiously explains, hands slightly lifted in obvious surrender. “She just wanted to meet you and instead of taking no for an answer – like a sane, rational person, which for the record she isn’t – she schemed this shit up.” J.T. poorly fights the urge to smile. “Flipped on the Bat signal and waited for you to swoop in from the shadows.”

I’m not sure what deepens my scowl more, his amusement or the superhero reference.

“She’s basically your Talia, Bruce.”

“That storyline didn’t end well in any of the comics I’ve read.”

“Maybe it does in some of the others?”

There’s no stopping my stare from narrowing in his direction.

“I’m just saying that…maybe…manhandling of me aside…”

“Sorry,” is interjected at a barely audible volume.

“…maybe having her League of Shadows her ass into your life isn’t a bad thing.”

My lips press firmly together in silent objection.

“Maybe she’s exactly what you need.” Arrogance wiggles itself into his hazel eyes. “Who you need.”

“Samples,” Penny meekly announces at the same time she rolls the cart in. “Clark asked me to deliver you the samples you needed for this morning’s meeting?”

Her presence has me relocating my frame to the edge of the desk to provide her with adequate space for delivery. “And where is Clark?”

“I believe checking on your guest.”

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