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Tugging at his tie.

Directing his gaze anywhere but into mine.

“What’s wrong, Baker?” I callously croak prior to sending the container towards my lips. “Can’t stomach hearing her name?”

His green glare gravitates back in my direction.

“How about looking at her face?” My free hand snatches up the nearest photo and shoves it forward. “Can you fucking handle that?! Can you sleep at night knowing you helped him hide this woman for fucking decades?!”

There’s no response out of the man I once admired.


Trusted more than anyone else in my household.

“Can you sleep at night knowing she wasted away practically alone from pancreatic cancer?”

Still nothing.

“Can you sleep at night knowing she died being his dirty little secret?”

Not a word.

“Was it easy for you?” Smug bitterness encourages me to jeer. “Maybe because while he was out bangin’ some backwoods bar bitch out in Texas, you were busy fucking his wife in his bed.” Demented laughter bounces my unwashed frame. “Is that it? Is that how he kept you quiet? Let you fuck his wife while he fucks around on her?” Waggling the bottle damn near causes me to drop it. “You two were some slippery fucks, huh?” All of a sudden, an idea launches me onto my wobbly feet. “Let’s go ask him!”


“Better yet, let me go piss on his grave and give him the same fucked up treatment he gave to me and my mother.”



“Enough!” The rattling volume as much as the impact damn near shoves me back into my seat. “That. Is. Enough!”

“It’s not enough!”

“Why?” He viciously bites. “Because the drunken petulant toddler in front of me can’t handle not getting his way?!”

“Well…” a small drunken shrug leaves me. “Yeah.”

“Grow. Up. Weston.” Clark steps uncomfortably closer. “You are not the same eighteen-year-old child you were when he died!”


“I am tired of having to pretend this behavior is acceptable!”


“I am tired of having to allow you room to wallow in self-pity and worthlessness.”


“I am tired of having to watch you throw your own life away simply because you just now realized the man you idealized was not perfect!”

“He was a liar!”

“He did what was necessary to protect his family! To protect you!”

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