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“It’s less of a question of what…and more of a question of who,” Monica obnoxiously goads. “And I will give you that as well as all of my research involving it in exchange for a measly television interview one month from now.”

Both publicists rush to speak only to be hushed by a lifted hand. “One interview?”

“One interview in which you publicly acknowledge the information, openly discuss your family’s coverup, take a test to further verify information, and generously offer shares of your company as compensation for this longstanding secrecy that has destroyed the life of this young individual.”

“Those are quite the accusations, Ms. Simmons.”

“And it is quite the scandal, Mr. Wilcox.”

“No,” my best friend practically barks, summoning my attention. “Do. Not. Do. This.”

A small tilt of my head is mindlessly given.

“Whatever it is she thinks she has, whatever it is she’s convincing you she has, is not worth dragging our company’s name through the mud.” The sight of my mouth twitching pushes him to add, “It is not worth tarnishing your family’s legacy.”

“A legacy filled with secrets, and scandals, and lies, ohmy,” taunts the female at the opposite end of table from me.

“I am advising you against this for the sake of the company,” Pham manages to proclaim.

“And I am advising you against this for the sake of your brand,” Evie echoes.

“And legal,” my second in command reminds.

“Something tells me your father received a similar talk from his advisers or at the very least Clark.” The particular naming of him regains my full attention. “After all, this is the type of person that even your best friend would help keep hidden.”

J.T. once more wisely tries to intervene, “Wes, don’t-”

“I agree to one television interview one month from now. I agree to publicly acknowledge the person and the situation on behalf of my family. I agree to said test for verification purposes. I also agree to financial compensation to the aforementioned individual if your information is proven to be irrefutable and only irrefutable.”

“Wes!” both women hiss in outrage.

“However, if your information is proven to be inaccurate, this person will receive nothing and you will publicly resign from the field of journalism, permanently.”

“Wes!” barks my best friend.

“Do we have an agreement, Ms. Simmons?”

“We do, Mr. Wilcox.”

“Wes!” shouts my entire team.

“It’s on record.” An open palm gestures to her recording device. “And I will have legal draw up paperwork for us both to sign.”


“Now,” I menacingly lean forward, “who is this individual?”

“Your. Half. Sister.”

Chapter 13


I know the real focus here should be on the insanely gorgeous wedding gowns taunting me from every fucking angle in this Pretty Woman approved boutique; however, McCoyhavemercy this cupcake that I got from Yasmine’s Yummies across the street is giving me an orgasm that rivals the one Wes gave me before he went into the office for a PR meeting.

This shit is so good I cried when I ate my first one.

Cried and begged the owner to cater our wedding.

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