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“What did I say?”

I still don’t fly.

I can’t.

I can hardly even look at the ones we have in our hangar without hyperventilating.

Do I need to get to Bryn?


Am I desperate?

Fuck. Yes.

Will me having a goddamn heart attack or stroke benefit the situation?


But donating generously to emergency departments such as police, fire, and medical permits me such liberties that will allow me to get there in remarkable timing.

“Vehicle!” squeaks Zaidee. “Got it!”

She spins on her heels to exit damn near bumping into a pair of women on their way in.

“Is it true?!” Pham forcefully questions. “Has there really been an accident? Is Bryn really on life support?”

Outrage bumps into bewilderment. “How the fu-”

“Tell me it was an accident and not a botched abortion of an affair child,” Evie demands pushing her sunglasses into her untamed hair. “Tell me I am not canceling my day of dying and waxes to deal with something worthy of a telenovela.”

Irateness reaches my vocal cords yet isn’t presented with the opportunity to be released.

“The press is somehow all over this already,” Pham huffs in indignation. “They’re supposedly reporting from outside the hospital she was brought to if she was brought to one. Was she? And if she was, how did they know before we did?! Who told them?! Who is leaking inside information?! And if you knew when they did, why didn’t you immediately call me and the team to get ahead of this?!”

“Is she pregnant?” Evie investigates again. “Do these reports that claim this may be history repeating itself with her having a secret child hold any sort of weight?! Even a pea sized amount?! I mean…when did your father have an affair? Or an affair child? Why don’t I have any documentation of that? Where is the documentation for it?!”

“Enough!” rushes out of me upon the arrival of Hurst and Holmes who were stationed in the lobby prior to my yelling. “Not. Another. Word.”

Both women clamp their mouths shut.

“I need to get to my fiancée.” The only thing I pick up off the desk is my cell. “I do not have time to deal with vicious lies or slander. That is what both of you are paid to do.” Moving their direction occurs next. “So, I heavily suggest, you get the hell out of my way, and go do your jobs before you no longer have jobs to do.”

Chapter 10


I wanna say all these conditions are being caused by my fall.

That that’s why my head throbs.

And stomach churns.

And why I wanna punch Doogie Houser here in the middle of his can’t grow facial pubes covered face.

It has nothing to do with the information he just read to me off his corner computer.

It can’t.

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