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Bryn’s mouth twitches again to argue yet has whatever response she conjured severed courtesy of my cock slipping inside. “Wes…”

“Mmm,” is attached to the first bite stolen near her collarbone, “so fucking wet for me, little prey.” Sinking my teeth deeper into the tender skin has her needily lifting her hips. Locking her ankles together right above my ass. “Always so fucking ready.”

Impatient scratches scale their way down the nape of my neck.

Along the edges of my shoulders.

Anchor themselves into my biceps for leverage.

“Tell me missed you me,” I command while harshly heaving my lower half forward. “Tell me you’re mine.”

“Make me.”

The challenge is met by another hard hit, this one with enough force to cause our couch to scrape across the freshly buffed floors. Her moan over the impact combined with the rasp sound created from the furniture easily fuels me to execute an encore.

One that’s slightly faster.

More ferocious.

That leads to her hungrily whining, “More.”


Skating my teeth upward receives a round of shivers.


“You give me what I want, little prey,” another teasing nip is given, this time to the shell of her ear, “and I’ll give you what you need.”

Her nails cut deeper into my arms as she surrenders. “Yours.”

“Do better, baby.” A tiny, torturous thrust is presented. “Or we’ll both be going to work hungry.”

“Yours, Wes.” There’s no vacillation in her voice or volume. “All yours.” She impatiently arches underneath me and dramatically punctuates her whispered proclamation. “Only. Yours.”

Growls of approval are proceeded by precise, primitive pounds.

Ones that carelessly bump her clit.

Rob her of any ability to catch a breath.

Have her soaking wet muscles swelling around my shaft again and again and again as though determined not to keep it drenched but drowning.

Drowning in their white-hot waves.

Diving to the darkest depths that cause the loudest screams.

Except she can’t.

Not being able to gather enough air in her lungs keeps Bryn’s vocal cords practically paralyzed.

Incapable of anything other than panting.

And her endless panting quickens the speed of my stroking.

Increases the pressure and consistency.

Calls to my balls to anxiously swell in anticipation every time they collide with her.

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