Page 40 of His to Win

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“As much as I miss Laura, I know she’d want me to keep living, you know?”

“Of course, she would,” I say, but the truth is, Doug sounds like a first-rate douchebag at this moment.

“Where’s Gabriella?” he asks.

I clear my throat and realize the moment she isn’t here, of course the owner comes strolling in to check on us. “I told her to go home because she wasn’t feeling well. I think she has food poisoning.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. Well, I suppose this worked out well because I wanted to speak to you first.”

“Oh? What about?” I arch a brow, wondering why he wouldn’t want to speak to both of us. And, at that moment, I remember Gabriella telling me how, as a woman, she has to work so much harder to be taken as seriously as her male counterparts.

“I’ve made my decision about who I’m going to sell the company to,” he announces and grins widely at me.

My stomach sinks, and not in a good way. “Don’t you think Gabriella should be here for that announcement?” I ask.

“Not if it isn’t her.” He chuckles and gives me one of those “boy’s club” looks. “As much as I like Gabriella, I just worry about handing the reins to a woman. For all I know, she could be pregnant next year and decide she’d rather be a stay-at-home mom. Then where does that leave Holloway Corp.?”

Wow. I didn’t realize Doug was such an ass. Normally, I’d revel in such a victory, but I don’t feel like celebrating. In fact, I feel a little sick to my stomach.

“Besides, everyone knows you have an impeccable reputation and the Midas Touch. Like I said, I respect Gabriella for giving it a go, but the moment you expressed interest, it was game over for her. I would be an utter idiot to choose her over you.”

I grit my teeth as a wave of anger pounds through me. “Gabriella is a brilliant businesswoman,” I say a little more harshly than I intend, sticking up for her. “You’d be lucky to have her running this company.”

A company that you ignored and practically ran into the ground, I want to add, but don’t by sheer force of will.

“Oh, yeah, sure,” he quickly agrees. “Like I said, I like her. She’s smart and easy on the eyes, but I feel much better leaving Holloway Corp. in your capable hands.”

“With all due respect, Mr. Holloway, why did you even pretend you couldn’t decide? Why have us work together for almost two months if you never had any intention of selling to her?”

“Well, you know how it is nowadays with everyone suing over this and that and claiming discrimination and all that BS. I wanted her to think I was giving her a fair shot, too. And I really did. Sort of.” He chuckles and I get the sudden urge to punch him. It pisses me off that he basically gave Gabriella false hope and strung her along. Made her think if she worked hard enough that she could win. And the truth is he never had any intention of selling to her. Not really, anyway.

Winning. That’s what this whole thing has been about. Winning Holloway Corp. and beating Gabriella. Or, at least, that’s what I thought. But now things are becoming more clear.

The only thing I want to win is her.

But does she want me, too?

Honestly, I’m not so sure. And, after she finds out that she lost and Doug didn’t choose her, she’s going to be upset. That’s probably an understatement. Knowing Gabriella, she’s going to be crushed and probably get mad at me. The last thing I want her to do is pull away from me. From the idea of us. Especially not after we grew closer again this past weekend.

“We can get started on paperwork as soon as?—”

“Doug,” I interrupt, holding up a hand, making a split second decision and hoping I don’t regret it later, “I’m going to have to bow out. Give the company to Gabriella. She deserves it.”

His eyes nearly bug from his head. “What? Are you kidding me right now?”

The strange thing is I feel perfectly content with what I’m doing and how I’m handling the situation. “I’m positive.”

He shakes his head, confusion flashing through his eyes. “At what point did you make this decision? And why?”

The moment I realized I’m falling in love with Gabriella, I think. And I refuse to do anything that might cause me to lose her.

“When I realized she’s more important than making money,” I say and stand up. As I’m gathering my things, I turn my attention to Doug, eyes narrowing. “She’s the right person to lead this company into a very profitable future whether she decides to have children, get married or remain single. None of that should fucking matter. It wouldn’t matter for me and it shouldn’t for her.”

Doug just stares at me as though I’ve lost my mind.

After snapping my briefcase shut, I send the other man my most intimidating look, the one that has scared competitors shitless and sent them running. “I suggest you call Gabriella immediately and let her know you’ve chosen her to sell Holloway to at the price she initially offered. Otherwise, you’d be a very foolish, very stupid man.”

Doug clears his throat. “I mean, she is smart.”

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