Page 25 of His to Win

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“You haven’t seen anything yet,” I tell her, gaze dipping as she flicks another button open. “Bri?—”

My growl is cut off as she shoves her perfect tits out, slides a hand beneath the edge of her coller and exposes a delicate pink strap.

“Something bothering you, Mr. Rossi?” she purrs. Sliding her finger beneath it, she gives it a little snap and my dick twitches.

Hell, yes, something is bothering me, but I can’t exactly tell Gabriella that it’s all the building sexual tension happening between us. The banter, the teasing, the fighting. It’s making me hard ninety percent of the day and all I want to do is bend her over my desk and sink my cock deep into her sweet pussy. If I don’t get some relief soon, I’m going to lose my shit.

And we’ve only been working together for a week.

“I’m going to get some lunch,” I growl, pushing past her. Her melodic chuckle follows me as I stomp down the hall, heading for the elevator. She may have just one that battle, but she’s not going to win the war. Once I’m safely inside the elevator, I cup my aching dick and try to get more comfortable.

Getting comfortable proves impossible when Gabriella is always prancing around the office, shaking her ass and spreading her honey scent. Every day that passes makes me a little more crazy and need fills me constantly. It’s getting to the point where I dread going into the office because I’m in a constant state of arousal and always obsessing over Gabriella. Focusing on work isn’t cutting it anymore because she’s such a huge distraction.

I’m starting to wonder if this torture I’m putting myself through on a daily basis is even worth it. I tap a finger on the desk and question if I should walk away from this deal. God knows, I don’t need Holloway Corp. The only reason I’m sticking it out is because it’s a matter of principle and, truth be told, it’s an excuse to see Gabriella. Although, she doesn’t want to see me. She isn’t pretending to be nice anymore and tends to stick her nose up in the air and closes her office door when she sees me.

Whatever game we’re playing with each other is getting old. There’s an undeniable chemistry bubbling right beneath the surface between us and it’s getting harder and harder to ignore.

The whole thing is a paradox. I want to see her, but when I do, she drives me crazy. The alternative, however, of not seeing her doesn’t hold any appeal. We might be getting on each other’s nerves constantly, but it’s only because we can’t have what we both want. And, I know she wants me just as much as I want her.

It’s been a month now and we’re halfway through this game, and I don’t know how I honestly feel about it. Yes, I’ll be glad when Doug finally picks the winner, hopefully me, and I can take full control of Holloway Corp. But that also means I won’t be seeing Gabriella every day. We’ll go back to the occasional sighting at meetings for the Five Families. We used to always flirt and eye fuck each other during those…back before all this nonsense with Holloway Corp.

But that all changed. The last meeting, Gabriella didn’t even look in my direction. I know I sound like a damn baby, but it hurt my feelings. God, when did I turn into such a pussy? I guess when she left my bed and didn’t bother to tell me. Just disappeared like it didn’t mean a thing.

It wasn’t supposed to mean anything. That’s the kicker, but somehow it did. And that really sucks for me because Gabriella seems to have moved on from our night just fine. That bothers me more than I care to admit.

Every day that passes, tensions between us get higher. I find myself getting terse, snippy and downright rude because I’m so damn frustrated. No matter what happens, this isn’t going to have a good ending. If I win and she loses, she’ll never forgive me for swooping in and stealing her pet project. If she wins, she’s going to rub it in so badly, I’ll have to bury my head—and pride—in the sand.

I honestly don’t know what to do. One second, I want to beat her out of the running for new owner and, the next, I’m considering handing her the entire company on a silver platter and just walking away. One thing is certain, though, and it’s the fact that I’m so frustrated, I can’t think straight. And not just sexually. I want things to go back to how they were before we both decided to go after Holloway Corp.

Okay, before I decided to go after it. Because that screwed everything up royally. But, in my defense, I was pissed because I wanted more after our one night together and she seemingly didn’t. Going after the company was a childish way to get my revenge and briefly force her to acknowledge me again.

Even if I do walk away now, though, there’s a very good chance Gabriella is done with me. Hell, can I blame her?



It’s been just over a month since my epic night with Enzo and I’m expecting the memories and my desire to fade, but that isn’t happening. Not even close. Instead, I think my want and need for him has grown. Seeing him every single day during the week and sometimes even on the weekends doesn’t help matters. I’m beyond a smitten-kitten at this point. I’ve become slightly obsessed. He teases my thoughts all day and all night, and I’m not sure how much more I can take.

Someone calls my name and I glance up. It’s Friday afternoon and I’ve zoned out yet again. “Hey, Trista,” I say when my assistant walks into my office. She tends to work mostly at our other small office, holding the fort down there, while I’ve been coming here.

“I miss seeing you every day,” she says, walking up to my desk.

“I know. Same.” Standing up, I smooth my skirt down and hand her a stack of files. “No rush on these. Enjoy your weekend.”

“Sure thing. How’s it going over here?” she asks, looking around.

“Oh, okay.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound very convincing,” she says with a chuckle.

I jerk a thumb to the left, indicating the office next door. “It would be better if it weren’t for my competition next door. He’s?—”

Speak of the devil.

We both look over to the doorway where Enzo strolls in like he already owns the place which, of course, grates on my nerves.

“Hello, Trista,” he says smoothly. “It’s been a while. You should grace us more with your lovely presence.”

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