Page 15 of His to Win

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“Bring it on, baby,” I respond, rubbing my smarting nipple.

She throws me a challenging look then walks out, slamming the door behind her. While part of me is contemplating murder, another part of me thinks I might be falling in love with the spitfire. And, I’m not sure which is worse.



Idon’t think I’ve ever been so livid in my entire life. But the moment I get into the elevator and the door glides shut, I slump against the wall and let out a sigh of relief. Confronting Enzo Rossi was a hard thing to do. He’s tough and I knew he’d get me wound up—in more ways than one. I hate to admit I’m still attracted to the man but, unfortunately, my nether regions don’t care that he’s trying to screw me. In fact, they want him to screw me. Just in a different way.

Ugh. I hate him. I truly can’t stand the jerk. At the same time, I want to wrap myself around him like an octopus. I’m so confused and don’t have any experience with this kind of thing. How do I turn off my ovaries?

I guess there’s only one person who can help me sort through this mess and that’s my good friend, Lili. Lilith Barnswell is a man-eater, a socialite and has more experience with men in her little pinkie finger than I have over the course of twenty-eight years.

Pulling up her number, I hit send. Sure, she’s a bit of a gossip and, unfortunately, she’s been seeing my useless cousin, Romeo, but if anyone can help me navigate what I’m feeling, it’s definitely her.

“Hi, Gabs! What the heck is going on, stranger?” she says in greeting.

“Hey, Lili! I know, I’m sorry I haven’t called you lately. I’ve been insanely busy with work.”

“What’s new? I swear, if you don’t get out more, you’re going to wake up alone and fifty years old.”

I hesitate and pull my lower lip into my mouth. “Actually, I’m calling because I did meet someone.”

“What?” Her voice is so shrill with excitement that I wince. “Omg, I need all the details. Pronto!”

“Can you meet me for a drink at Marie’s?”

“Girlfriend, I can meet you on the moon! I can’t wait to hear the scoop.”

Twenty minutes later, I’m sitting in a quiet corner booth with Lili at the trendy Marie’s. We just placed our drink orders and she begins grilling me instantly. My head spins with all of her questions and I laugh, holding my hand up.

“Whoa, slow down! One question at a time.”

“Who is this unicorn who caught your attention?”

“It’s Enzo Rossi,” I say. I’m not sure if they know each other, but I’m pretty sure she’s crossed paths with him.

“As in Five Families Rossi?”

I nod. “That’s where I first noticed him. In our meetings.

“Holy shit. A mafia prince and princess. It’s like a dark fairytale.”

“I try to stay out of the darkness. You know that.” And, I really do. During our meetings, we talk about our businesses, territories and how we can benefit each other by working together. The Five Families is a modern, civilized group. Or, so I’d like to think. Is there still darkness? Enemies who mysteriously disappear? Yes, but I don’t care for that part of it and certainly refuse to be involved in anything illegal.

“You can try, but you’ll never fully escape it. It’s just a fact.”

“Anyway,” I say, changing the subject back to my pressing problem, “Enzo is going to be the death of me. After our meeting last weekend, I asked him to grab a drink because I wanted some business advice. We hit it off. God, Lili, I don’t think I’ve ever been so attracted to a man before like I am with Enzo.”

“That’s so awesome.”

“No, it’s not!” I exclaim as the waitress returns with our martinis. Picking mine up, I take a long sip, needing the alcohol to soothe my frazzled nerves.

“What do you mean?” she asks, frowning in confusion.

“He fucked me over and now I hate him.”

“He didn’t call after you hooked up?”

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