Page 1 of His to Win

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The day my cousin Rocco Bianche died, I didn’t shed a single tear. Granted, he was a psychotic, controlling, power-hungry asshole who abused and murdered a woman. Well, one that I know of, anyway. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if there had been others. So, yeah, he didn’t deserve to be mourned. Not by me, anyway.

Possessing the last name Bianche is a powerful thing in this city. My family is one of the reigning Five Families and after Rocco died, I was invited to be a part of the meetings. I can’t explain what an honor it is to sit at that table in some secret location and be a part of the decision-making process. To be treated as an equal who has something important to say rather than be ignored and brushed off because I’m merely a young woman who no one takes seriously. Because that’s how it used to be.

I suppose if I’m being honest, it’s still an uphill battle for me to be heard. But, I’m working hard and trying my damndest to fit into the boy’s club. I work my ass off, more than anyone I know, because I want to be treated with respect. And I’ve always been a firm believer that respect is something earned, not given.

Glancing down at my slim Gucci watch, I realize it’s almost time to leave. I came into the office extra early today because I had a lot of research to do on a company that I’m seriously considering buying. Normally, I’d recommend it and someone else in my family would look over my notes and decide whether or not to go ahead with the purchase. But this is different. For the first time, I’m considering going out on my own and buying a company all by myself. It’s a risky move, especially if I can’t revitalize Holloway Corp. But, after studying their business structure closely, I’m pretty sure I can flip things around, increase their revenue and make the company a success again.

Proving my worth is something I’ve struggled to do my entire life. After losing my father five years ago, it’s only been me and my mom. She could care less about the responsibilities and pressure that come along with our last name, but I care. I’ve stepped into my father’s shoes and do my best to show the other mafia families in New York City that I am a force to be reckoned with.

Besides being a woman in a man’s world, I’m also fairly attractive which doesn’t always work in my favor. Sometimes when I’m speaking in a meeting, I can feel the men staring at me. And it’s not because they’re so invested in my ideas or what I’m saying. It’s more like they’re checking out my rack which infuriates me on every level. All I’ve ever wanted is to be treated like an equal. I don’t ask for special privileges or favors. And, despite not having a penis between my legs, I just want a fair shake. To be taken seriously like the rest of the men in the room.

Closing my folders and notebooks, I gather all of the research I’ve conducted on Holloway Corp. and put it in my desk drawer. As scary as it is, I’m leaning toward buying the company. The owner and CEO is sixty-five years old and planning to retire soon. He hasn’t put a lot of time and effort into his business over the last few years and I believe that’s why it’s floundering. I don’t blame him, though. During my digging, I also discovered Doug Holloway lost his wife last year. Maybe he came to realize life is about more than just working. Or, maybe he’s ready to go lay on a beach somewhere and enjoy his retirement.

Personally, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of working. It gives me a feeling of purpose and allows me to show off my brain. Despite how quickly some people may judge me when we first meet, I have a Master’s Degree in Business and a damn intelligent head on my shoulders. Even so, I find myself constantly having to prove my worth by working harder and going above and beyond to be taken seriously. It gets frustrating, but what can I do?

Work harder. That always seems to be the answer I come back to.

Standing up, I stretch, roll my neck to get the kinks out then reach over and grab my purse. It’s only a little after one o’clock in the afternoon, but I’ve gotten an eight-hour day in already. Sometimes my brain has trouble shutting down at night, so I tend to get up early and immediately start working. This morning, for example, I was already up, showered and ready by 4:45 AM. I made my coffee and came straight to the office. That’s not always typical, but I will never stroll in here past 8 AM. Not that I have anyone to impress. It’s just me and my executive assistant.

After smoothing my skirt, I button my suit jacket and walk out of my office. My assistant, Trista, glances up and grins. “Off to your secret meeting?”

My mouth edges up. “That’s right, so I’m going to need you to hold the fort down.”

“You know it.” She jots a quick note down then looks back up at me through her glasses. “Should I expect you back in a couple of hours?”

“I might work at home after my meeting, but I’ll let you know.”

“Okay, sounds good.”

“Thanks, Trista.” As I head toward the elevator, I thank my lucky stars to have such a competent and reliable assistant. Trista keeps my calendar organized and reminds me of every little thing I need to do. She’s an absolute lifesaver and I wouldn’t be able to survive without her.

After my dad died, I inherited Gabana Holdings LLC, a combination of my name, Gabriella, and my mother’s, Ariana. Although my mom never cared much about learning how the company ran, I was always fascinated. Even when I was just a tot, I used to love coming to the office with my dad and sitting on his lap as he went over company reports. Since it’s a holding company, we don’t have any actual employees. So it would always just be my dad and me. When I got older, he’d assign me a job—a real one—and once I completed it, we’d go over it together. I loved our time together and learned so much from him. Losing him to cancer was devastating. I think one of the reasons I work my ass off is because I want him to be proud of me and what I’m accomplishing. Nothing is more important than making sure I make the right decisions and continue to make Gabana Holdings LLC a success.

Does that mean my dating life has taken a hit? Yeah, that would be an understatement. Work keeps me occupied 24/7, so there’s no time for anything else. Will I regret that one day? Maybe when I’m sixty and alone?

Nah, I don’t think so. I’ll always have my work…and a vibrator in case the urge arises. Besides, the two times I’ve had sex with an actual flesh and blood man, I was left shaking my head and completely unsatisfied. Like, huh? That’s it? That’s the best you can do? Talk about a complete waste of my precious time. After two disappointing encounters, I decided that I’m in charge of my own orgasms just like I’m in charge of everything else in my life.

The elevator zips down to the parking garage, the door opens and I step out. My gaze moves straight to my black Dodge Hellcat parked at the opposite end of the garage, as far away from the other cars as I could manage. It’s the most extravagant purchase I’ve allowed myself. But, I work hard and figured I deserved a treat. So last year, I bought her on my twenty-eighth birthday. Heels clicking along the pavement, I admire its sleek, ebony beauty. She’s all American muscle and I love it.

After getting in, I start her up and the engine roars to life with a growl. I don’t know a lot about cars, but I know this car is cool as shit and I’ve always liked the make and model. It’s funny because I haven’t even bought my own place yet. I live in a nice apartment downtown, but I still pay rent every month. For whatever reason, I don’t want to be locked into owning a home. The idea of being stuck somewhere, especially in a place I don’t really like all that much, doesn’t sit well with me. Plus, I like being close to my mom’s apartment which is only a couple of blocks away. Of course, Dad bought it, so it’s all paid off. But, for whatever reason, I can’t find a place I like enough to buy and I don’t need that kind of commitment in my life. Not with a home or a man.

Although, there is one man who has managed to pique my curiosity. If I’m being honest, not many do. But Enzo Rossi, a son from one of the other five families, is catnip to my dusty hoo-ha. He’s powerful, intelligent, sophisticated and the most attractive man I’ve ever laid eyes on. I’m not sure if I’m more attracted to his smarts or the way his custom designer suits fit his perfect body so well. Because it’s delicious in all the most tempting ways.

Extremely tall, lean and with muscles in all the right places, Enzo has dark, thick hair and even darker eyes. Eyes that I’ve caught staring at me on more than one occasion. But that’s probably because I’m the only female who’s been invited to attend meetings. Other than his sister Carlotta, but she rarely goes. Sometimes, I sneak little glances at him and, every single time, my stomach does crazy flutters and I unconsciously bite my lip like some kind of inexperienced, little girl.

Sure, maybe I don’t have a lot of experience when it comes to relationships and sex. But, I’m willing to bet Gabana Holdings LLC that Enzo is as smooth in the sack as he looks like he’d be. The way he carries himself, always with such confidence, is a huge turn-on for me. He’s a man who knows what he wants and he goes after it, ultimately obtaining it.

Freaking catnip.

Releasing a shaky sigh, I hope he’s at today’s meeting. Lately, we’ve been playing a little game. Or, rather getting bolder, I’d say, because last week we spent the entire meeting eye fucking each other. My mind was going crazy and I could barely concentrate from all the heated looks he kept sending my way. And, I wasn’t much better. I encouraged him like an absolute tease, hoping to work him up like he was working me up. I kept fluttering my lashes, licking my lips and playing with my long, dark hair. Although, I would’ve much rather been playing with Enzo…running my fingers through his hair, sliding my hands beneath his suit jacket, unbuckling his belt as we kiss each other into oblivion.

By the time that meeting was over, it was like the Hudson River in my panties.

I’ve heard the rumors, so I know he works just as hard as I do. He doesn’t go out a lot and is constantly working which I can relate to so easily. They say he can be found at his office more often than not and he isn’t involved in a serious relationship. Other than his work, of course. Like me, work seems to be the only thing we’re seriously committed to.

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