Page 94 of The Sotíras

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“But she rejected me. She’s no better than my mother. Granted, she didn’t leave earth, but she still left me hanging.”

She leans in. “She must’ve had her reasons.”

“Bullshit,” I spit. “She could’ve at least heard me out.”

“And did you take the time to hear her out?” she retorts. I settle deeper into the seat, clasping my hands behind my head, looking up to the ceiling.

I never asked Aria her reason.

I arrive at the warehouse a couple of hours later, the roar of my motorbike cutting through the quiet night. I pull up to the side of the building and kill the engine. Evander is letting me use our main warehouse to bring our guest for questioning.

I stare at the burnt spot on the asphalt where my Ducati was found charred, and where Luca’s lifeless body was lying nearby. My fists clench, anger simmering at the thought of what Andrew did.

Aside from Evan and Angie’s dinner, I hadn’t seen him since the day I told him to get the hell out of the city and vanish if he valued his life. But I know he’s still around. He’s been careful, keeping a low profile, avoiding places where he might run into me or anyone who might report back.

He’s been smart about it; I’ll give him that. No sightings, no traces—just the occasional whisper or rumor, enough to remind me that he’s still pulling strings.

I can’t wait to fucking kill him.

He thinks he can evade me, but he’s wrong. No one can stay hidden forever.

For now, though, I’m going to focus on ruining Philip’s plan.

With Dimitri’s help, Xander was able to locate Philip’s lawyer. It took a while, but we convinced him to meet us for a “friendly” talk. Though the knife and gun tucked into my waistband may say otherwise.

I shrug off my jacket, taking off my gloves to shove them in my back pocket.

When I step through the entrance, I nod at Elias, the manager from Academia who now leads our foot soldiers. When Evander abruptly left Cebrene on his love quest to win back Angelica in Antium a year ago, I assigned Elias to oversee our men, given I had to fill in for Evander.

As I push open the heavy metal door to the warehouse, my shoulders slump slightly, the weight of everything I’ve been carrying hitting me all at once. I’ve been running on fumes, covering for Evander on top of dealing with my own mess. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to do it—I’d do anything for my brother—but, damn, it’s a lot to deal with. I take a deep breath, feeling the tension knotting my shoulders and back.

We waited all these months before making a move on Philip’s lawyer to ensure it was the right moment. We wanted Dimitri to earn the trust of his father and establish himself within the clan.

I became a sort of mentor to Dimitri until we both felt confident to proceed with the plan. That time is now.

But my attention wasn’t solely on Dimitri. I was consumed by Evander’s revenge plan, making sure that every step was meticulously mapped out.

We’ve made huge strides lately. Uncovering the Sisterhood was a massive breakthrough. It’s taken months of effort, but we finally know who’s been stealing from our ship—Angelica’s father, of course. He’s responsible for all of it.

As I approach the room where Xander and Dimitri are waiting, my pulse quickens. This meeting with the lawyer is crucial. Everything we’ve planned is riding on these next steps.

I pause for a moment at the door, running a hand through my hair and rolling my shoulders back. Time to get my game face on. I’ve handled worse than this, and I’ll be damned if I let Aria down now. With a final, steadying breath, I open the door and step inside.

“Hey, fellas,” I say, greeting Xan and Dimitri.

They both nod at me, and my eyes narrow on our guest.

“Haris Georgiou,” I say, letting his name roll off my tongue.

I sit across from him in our office, Xander and Dimitri standing behind me.

Xander passes me a laptop that I slide in front of Haris, who looks like he’s about to shit himself.

I lean forward as I begin to speak, pointing at the screen.

“We need to discuss Philip’s will. There are some…changes that need to be made.”

He swallows hard, his fingers trembling as he fidgets in his seat.

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