Page 90 of The Sotíras

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“Wouldn’t miss it,” I reply, my eyes flicking to Angelica. “Where’s your friend?”

She gives me a look, one eyebrow slightly raised, lips pressed into a thin line. The suspicion is clear in her eyes.

Last time I’d asked Aria if she had told Angelica about us, she said no. But that was months ago. A lot has happened since then. I shift my weight from one foot to the other, my hands finding their way into my pockets.

Angelica tilts her head slightly, studying me. I can’t help but feel a flicker of annoyance. At this point, I don’t even care if she knows, especially since Evan fucked up and had to reveal everything.

“She should be here any second now,” she finally replies.

As if on cue, a black town car pulls up next to the sidewalk.

Aria steps out, draped in a somber black dress, her eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses, a stark contrast to the brightness of the day. A lump forms in my throat and my hands clench involuntarily. She’s just as beautiful as the last time I saw her.

My heart skips, but it’s not with joy. I feel fucking sick.

Even from a distance, I can sense the weight of her unhappiness, the strain in the smile she’s trying to maintain. Even the light hair cascading over her shoulders seems duller, less bright.

Seeing her like this tears at something inside me. I want to reach out, talk to her—but I stay back.

Evander lets out a loud breath. “Jesus. You’d think someone fucking died.”

Aria lifts her sunglasses and her gray eyes shine in the sun, catching me completely off guard. It’s like seeing a ghost from my past, and for a moment, I can’t breathe. I used to get lost in those eyes.

But now, they seem guarded, distant.

“You think you’d be used to all the black by now with the amount of death you surround yourself with,” Aria snaps back at Evan, and it makes me smile. It’s a small crack in her cool exterior, a glimpse of the real her. Of the Aria I know—the one who wouldn’t take crap from anyone, not even Evander. It’s comforting, somehow, to see that fiery spirit still alive beneath the surface.

Evander raises an eyebrow but says nothing. Angelica looks between them, not surprised by their exchange at all.

My stare lingers on Aria, until Evander shoves me with his elbow. “Get a grip, vlakas.”

The ceremony is a quick affair after which we head to Xander’s family restaurant to celebrate the union with a small crowd, mainly composed of Cebrene’s Godfathers. Another political move on Evan’s part.

Despite the tense atmosphere, my eyes scan the room.

I spot Aria sitting near the head of the table, her posture relaxed, yet her eyes are distant as she sips her wine. Without thinking, I make my way through the crowd and slide into the chair next to her. She stiffens immediately, fingers tightening around the stem of her glass.

Aria glances at me, her gray eyes narrowing for a moment before she looks away. It’s oddly satisfying. I still have an effect on her, even after everything that happened. Even after all this time.

We sit in silence for a while, the air between us thick with unspoken words. The rest of the table is lively, filled with laughter and animated conversations, but here, in our little corner, there’s a charged stillness. I savor simply being near her again, not needing to say anything.

When the newlyweds arrive and are finally seated, dinner is served.

The entire time, I watch Aria, noting the way her fingers drum lightly against the table, a sign of her nervousness. The tension between us is palpable like a live wire crackling just beneath the surface.

Aria takes a deep breath, her shoulders rising and falling as she tries to steady herself. The silence of our bubble stretches on, despite the noise of celebration around us.

Eventually, I stand up and clink my glass to make a toast. The table quiets as people look over at me.

Aria also turns to me, her eyes cautious yet curious. Evan smirks, his arm along the back of Angelica’s chair.

“Adelfé, today is a special day. We finally see two families unite, not only in power—but in love.” Aria shifts uncomfortably in her seat. “When I look at you and your new wife, I see devotion. This marriage maybe didn’t happen in the most conventional of ways or reasons.” I wink at the couple and light laughter fills the room.

I raise my glass higher, eyes now fixed on Aria’s. “But nothing easy is worth fighting for.”

Aria bites her lip, fingers toying with the edge of her napkin, and I can tell my words have hit close to home.

“To the bride and groom,” I toast before downing my drink. The room erupts in applause and cheers, glasses clinking together in celebration. I sit back down, heart pounding. Aria is still looking at me, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. She quickly blinks them away and takes a sip of her wine to compose herself.

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