Page 77 of The Sotíras

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The man’s silhouette was painfully familiar. My mind races back to the footage of the man leaving me the threatening notes on the ship.

It all clicks in my mind.

“It’s Andrew Galanis,” I say, my voice cold and certain. “He’s been trying to get rid of me.”

Xander looks at me, understanding dawning in his eyes. “You sure?”

“Positive.” I pull out my phone, hands shaking with rage, and dial a number I’ve been avoiding for a long time. The line connects. “Andrew.”

There’s a moment of silence on the other end. “Dion. You’re supposed to be dead.”

I can practically taste the shock in his voice. “Not dead, Andrew. Far from it. But this ends now.”

He chuckles, a sinister edge to the sound. “Are you threatening me, Dion?”

My grip tightens on the phone. “Yes, Andrew. I swear to God I will fucking end you.”

“Do you really think so? You and I both know you won’t do anything to risk her.”

My blood runs cold. “Don’t you dare touch a hair on Aria’s head.”

“Oh, soon the whore will be mine to do whatever I want with.”

“You have no idea what I’m capable of, Andrew,” I growl. “If I see you around, I won’t hesitate. You’d better watch your back, because I’ll fucking slice your head off and revel in every drop of your blood, you worthless cunt.”

I hang up, fuming, seeing red. The office is a blur as I start trashing everything in sight, overturning chairs, sweeping papers off desks.

“Dion, stop!” Evander’s voice cuts through my rage. He grabs my shoulders, forcing me to look at him. “We have to be smart about this. We’re still working on our own plan. We need to keep the chaos at a minimum for now. You can’t go and just kill him.”

I take a deep breath, trying to rein in my fury. “He’s going to get what’s coming to him.”

Evander nods. “He will. But we have to be strategic. Trust me.”

I exhale slowly, hands still shaking with rage. “Alright. But when the time comes, I want to be the one to take him down.”



A few months later

The bass thumps through my chest, reverberating through every fiber of my being as I dance in the dimly lit club, surrounded by swirling lights and the scent of sweat and alcohol.

We crossed the border over to Antium City—The Big A—to go to the Watertower Bar.

Cassie, a longtime friend looks back at me, her cheeks flushed, her eyes glossy. She looks so carefree, so uninhibited. And I’m…jealous.

I’m definitely drunk. Just not the happy-go-lucky drunk like her.

She leans in close to yell over the loud music. “I’m going to the bar to get another drink. Want anything?”

I smile and shake my head, raising my glass. I’m still drinking my tequila on the rocks.

She gives me a kiss on the cheek before bouncing away, and I chug the remainder of the liquid, adding to my drunken haze.

As soon as Cassie’s out of sight, a man appears in front of me.

“Hey there, beautiful. You seem a little lonely. Mind if I join you?”

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