Page 73 of The Sotíras

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“I know who your heart belongs to, and it’s not. Fucking. Him.”

With that, I move away. “Oh, and good luck trying to convince him you’re a virgin. I took that, too.”

I disappear back into the party.

My heart is still racing from the confrontation, Aria’s words echoing in my mind like a relentless drumbeat, too caught up in my emotions to even care about the crowd around me. I make my way to the bar and order a stiff drink. “Bourbon, please.”

Evander appears behind me. “What’s gotten up your ass?”

I scoff. “I just saw Aria,” I mutter, chugging down the glass of liquor. I need more if I want to wash away the memories of her words.

“Another one,” I ask the bartender.

“What happened?” Evan asks impatiently.

Not wanting to rehash the details of our conversation and feel her rejection for a second time, I simply say, “She told me it’s over. And she seemed to mean it.”

“Dion, I know you. When you want something, you don’t give up easily. I have no doubt you’ll get the girl if you really want her.”

My brother knows me well, and he’s right about this. I’m not a quitter.

When I set my mind on something, I don’t stop until I get it. I’m relentless.

Nothing can stand between me and what I want. Not even Aria herself.

She might think she wants to be with Andrew to fulfill her family obligation or whatever it is that’s made her change her mind, but I know her feelings lie with me. She can deny it all she wants. I’ll keep pushing until I succeed.

“I really do, bro.”

Evander clasps me on the shoulder and gives it a squeeze. Then, we grab another drink.

I lean against the bar, staring at the amber liquid swirling in my glass. Maybe if I get tipsy enough, I can forget that I’m even here, forget the congratulations, forget the smiles, forget everything. Just for tonight.

I lift the bourbon to my lips, letting the burn of the liquor wash over me, momentarily numbing the pain. The clinking of glasses and the murmur of voices fade away.

The alcohol starts to do its work, coursing through my veins and clouding my senses, and soon, I don’t care that I’m surrounded by people anymore. I barely even notice them.

It’s just noise, insignificant against the backdrop of my own turmoil. I’m here, but not really. And for now, that’s all I need.

I haven’t seen signs of the happy couple or their families, yet, but right now, it doesn’t matter.

Soon after, we’re ushered into the dining hall for the celebrations to commence.

I catch a whiff of food, and my stomach rumbles loudly. Drinking always makes me fucking hungry.

Then, the doors swing open again. And there she is.

Like a vision, she appears in the breathtaking gown I saw her in not long ago. Accompanied by her mother, she walks in, commanding attention and admiration from all around.

I drink in the sight of her, and despite—or maybe because of— the haze of alcohol, something blooms in my chest.

What the hell is wrong with me? I’ve never had feelings of this kind for anyone before. It’s like my heart deemed itself irreparable, closed off to any semblance of emotion.

Now, everything’s different.

Aria makes her way to the head table, where her fiancé awaits, but for a moment, time slows, the world narrowing to just the two of us. Our eyes lock, and she takes a shaky breath, her steps faltering just slightly.

I mouth the word, “Mine.” A silent claim, a declaration only for her.

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