Page 62 of The Sotíras

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“Andrew, what are you doing here?” She drops my gaze and goes back to the flowers.

I stride toward her and lean against the counter she’s working on, hands in my pockets. “I’m here to see my girl,” I say, nonchalantly.

A flash of unease crosses her face as her lips curl into a smile. But it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. She’s trying to mask her discomfort. Good, because what I’m about to tell her isn’t going to make it any better.

“Oh, that’s nice,” she says, still averting her gaze.

I decide to cut to the chase. “We need to talk.”

She sets down the bouquet, eyes darting around nervously. “About what?”

I wait until she meets my eyes. “About Dion Loukas. Your friend from the café.”

Aria takes a step back. “What about him?” Despite her attempt to maintain her composure, there’s a subtle tremor in her voice.

“Don’t give me that bullshit, Aria,” I snap. “I know what’s been going on between you two,” I say, my voice a barely contained growl. “And I’m here to make sure it stops.”

Aria’s breath catches in her throat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she stammers.

I take a step forward, caging her in between me and the counter. “Don’t lie to me. I know you’ve been seeing him behind my back.” My anger is simmering just below the surface, ready to boil over. “I’ve seen you with him. More recently in the back alley of Black Bean.”

Aria swallows hard, her eyes now wide with fear.

“Andrew, please?—”

“Please what, Aria?” I cut her off with a sharp wave of my hand that makes her flinch. “Save it. I’m not interested in your fucking excuses. I’m here to deliver a message.”

I lean in close, my breath hot against her ear. “You don’t know who I am. And you especially don’t know the lengths I will go to make sure you don’t mess up my plans.” I pull back briefly. “I couldn’t care less about who you love or who you let touch your body. What I do care about is my motherfucking reputation,” I seethe, each word coming out with more force than the last. “If anyone sees you with him, or any other man for that matter, I will be the one they talk about.”

Her hands are now shaking at her side, her body quaking with fear.

“If I catch you anywhere near Dion again, if I so much as hear his name pass your lips, I won’t hesitate to make you regret it,” I hiss.

Aria’s breath comes out in shallow gasps.

“And if you even think about crossing me again, I won’t hesitate to go after Dimitri or your mother.” I pause for a moment to allow the weight of my words to sink in, and I watch as her chest rises and falls rapidly with each shaky inhale. “Consider yourself warned. Do you understand?”

Aria’s eyes brim with tears as she nods frantically. “Yes,” she whispers, her voice barely audible.

I reach out and grab her by the neck, fingers closing around her throat, and a strangled gasp escapes her lips.

I’m in control. I have the power.

She’s trapped, helpless against my strength. I can feel the fear pulsing through her veins, mingling with the adrenaline coursing through mine.

“Now, repeat after me,” I instruct.

“Andrew Galanis is my fiancé, and I will be loyal to him,” she chokes out.


“Andrew Galanis is my fiancé, and I will be loyal to him.”

Aria repeats the sentence over and over until the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes drench my hand.

I let her go, and she gasps for air, clutching her throat.

“You’d better remember that.”

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