Page 61 of The Sotíras

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Philip sees me first and greets me with a smile. “My boy,” he says, walking over to me to clap me on the shoulder. “This is Peter, Godfather of the Kouvalakis clan.”

I shake the other man’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Godfather.”

Peter nods, the faintest smirk appearing on his lips. “I’ve heard a lot about you, Andrew.”

“All good things, I hope,” I joke, and the men laugh.

“You wouldn’t be here if they weren’t,” Peter says with a greedy grin.

We exchange pleasantries for a couple minutes before settling into the plush armchairs.

“I wanted you to officially meet before the engagement party,” Philip says, gesturing between me and his boss. “Andrew here is a fine young man, and I’m glad to have him in the family. He’s going to be an asset to us.”

The atmosphere is professional but tense, hints of underlying power dynamics swirling around us. Philip leans back in his chair, a confident smirk playing on his lips, while Peter’s expression is unreadable.

“Good to hear. We’re working on big things, Mr. Galanis. Things that could put your father’s name back on the map,” he says.

The mere thought of being welcomed back into the fold of the five important families ignites a fire within me to prove myself even more.

Every step I’ve taken, every decision I’ve made, has led me to this moment.

“However, there’s something you don’t know,” Peter adds.

I lean forward slightly, resting my elbows on my knees.

“The reason we’re counting on your cooperation is because your late father was our associate when Philip and I first started our business. He was a third of the group that created the Sisterhood. With you—with your father’s name—we can extend our project.”

“What is the Sisterhood?” I ask, confusion and curiosity filling me. Neither my father nor my mother ever mentioned a partnership with the Kouvalakis and Kastellanos leaders.

Peter raises a hand to dismiss the question, shaking his head. “It’s not important for now.” I lean back, attempting to appear calm, though my mind races with annoyance.

“All you need to know is that it’s a private society, membership only.”

My gaze narrows. “But why was my father involved? Why haven’t I heard about this before?” I force myself to maintain eye contact with Peter.

“Your father was a vital part of our early days. He believed in our vision and helped us build the foundation of what we have now. But there are details that are...sensitive. For now, it’s best if some things remain undisclosed,” Philip replies instead.

“I believe I should know every detail for this partnership to work,” I grit out, my voice still somehow sounding smooth and calm.

Something flashes in Peter’s eyes as he reaches into his jacket to retrieve something. “And I suggest you tread carefully and do as you’re told,” he says in a warning tone. He places a sleek, metallic object on the table between us. An unspoken threat hangs heavy in the air. My gaze flickers between Peter and the gun.

I nod, jaw clenching, and the conversation continues.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, we reach a pause in the discussion, and I stand to leave, thanking them for their time. Philip nods, his eyes glinting with a hint of amusement. He thinks this whole power play is funny. Prick.

Once I step outside the office, I come face to face with Aria’s mother.

“Yassas, Elena,” I say, greeting her with a kiss on each cheek. “Ti kánis?”

“Kalá, efkharistó,” she replies with a warm smile.

“Where is Aria?” I ask.

“She’s in her studio working on some arrangements. I’m sure she’d be happy to see you.”

I thank her and navigate through the hallways and out into the garden to get to the guest house. My steps quicken as I approach the door, and I push it open.

Aria looks up from arranging a bouquet, her eyebrows arching when she sees me standing there.

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